im making an atempt to be on here more often and i really want to try to make friends with people
i have been playing puzzle pirates like crazy its super fun i say all shall join argh! ARRR!!!
its much better when it falls apart----Machine go boom

Look at me
Im still standing tall
but its hard to keep my balance
without someone here to lean upon
so is it cool if i crash
its been a crazy couple of years
and i feel
yeah i feel
like im on
a kamikaze plane
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss i updated my journal again wooohooo yeah i know nobody is paying attention but i dont get to do this often to the fact that my computer breaks down every other week but i really try really i do i do you have to believe me frown
i just fed my roommates frogs some crickets it was kinda gross holding a bag full of crickets when i put them in the frogs jumped on them like crazy i dont think they have been fed for a day or two i just got done working kidsfest downtown it was pretty cool i got paid to see they might be giants and chuby checker...
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i have had a broken computer for a long time but now i have a new roommate and he insisted on fixing it

why cant archived girls be your favorite girls or in your favorite pics frown
so last week at the brefs i got my glasses boken and i just now got my new ones yeah i can see woohoo anyway my roommate is moving out monday and my best friend is moving in tuesday that means lots of party action for the next 3 months then we are going to find a new place to live
yeah last night i went to the cramps and it was way better than i expected i never boped so hard in my life it was such an ass shakin good time all who were not there should be slapped skull
yeah so saturday we wanted to go to the faint but it sold out that toatally blows huge donkey dick
speaking of donkey dick i need to get some pictures of myself up in hear im too godamn hottttt for you people to not see me ill start working on that problem right away
yaeh so yesterday when i was doing my laundry and i went down into the basement it was really dark and i found out that my super awesome spooky halloween T-shirt that i bought in the little kids section of a thrift store toataly glows in the dark OH YEAH! biggrin
yeah so a lot has happened in the past month or two i went to a midievil festival dressed like a pirate that was a lot of fun my friend nate wore my pirate girl outfit i wore for halloween so yeah i got like 2 weeks to find a roommate and or a place to live my roommate im living with now cant handle...
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yeaaahhh hahaha bitches i got me a friend (the check is in the mail robo wink )

yeah i really got nothing to say today frown