Argh... Christmas is here. This week shall be all kinds of chaos. I'm going to try and make it fun like last year though. However, working at Sam Goody as well as Movie Gallery might kill that dream. Some of the assholes at the Goody are trying to get me to work Christmas Eve even though I already work it at Movie Gallery. I can't...
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Well it's about time someone looked after your Christmas Day. Even part of it is better than nothing.

I hope you and Jen have a good time together. Make up for the lost holiday time you have to spend at work, okay?
Bye bye scholarship...

I just got out of my philosophy final. That was the hardest fucking piece of shit I've ever taken. I didn't know half of that stuff was gonna be on there. This was a 1000 level freshman intro course for god's sake! You should have seen that test. It was nothing like he said it would be.... Oh well. I got over...
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why don't you try typing in androidbodies.com?

"This year, give her Android Bodies." That WOULD be the best christmas ever.
fuck, i really feel for you.

i hope you will find some way to compensate for having to be somewhere you don't want to be on christmas.

... can you vandalize something, or maybe steal a lot of useless things? i know THAT would make me feel a little better.
I've been wishing I was an android lately... or at least a cyborg. I mean, I need the cold, hard perfection that comes with being a robot. Life would be easier on me that way. I wouldn't need food or oxygen or sex. I only get one of the three on a regular basis anyways...

Maybe I just need to travel on the Galaxy Express...
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lol. robots don't get anxious, no.

but hey, robots don't need girlfriends, either.

p.s. i couldn't figure out the evaporation thing, for the life of me. it's just not in me.

... damn this blind optimism.
Memphis was good to the Shins and the Shins were good to Memphis. The show was great last night. I didn't get in until like 3:30 because they played an encore performance that added like 4 songs onto the set. Wow... long but fun.

The opening acts were good as well. I'd never heard the Aislers before and I didn't really love them live but...
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Hope u had a wonderful turkey day
I wokr all the damn time! mad
Oh yes, The Shins at Hi-Tone tommorow night. I just found out yesterday. I'm going with Joe and Eric. Maybe we can even drag Adam out to Memphis if he isn't too tired. The only problem is that Memphis is an hour or so away and I have an 8am class the next day. Oh well, I'll just have to be tired.

It's really weird...
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I finally saw Kill Bill and it did rock. Hmmm....

Jen came over Sunday to my little family get together and my whole family was treating her like a member. I wonder what shall become of that...

It's been so long since I've been this smitten with anyone. Argh, I feel like I'm in jr. high again. My life is becoming and episode of Wonder...
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I miss that feeling.


p.s. lauren AND jen?! confused
That's really weird.
November 14th needs to hurry the fuck up so I can go to APC. These tickets are torturing me. I just stare at them knowing that I can't use them yet.

The new Outkast album is awesome. I don't know if I like it more than Stankonia though...

I have all this money now but I still live at home. I guess I need to...
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heh..i love every single picture i come to see. love
I wanted to buy the new Outkast album while I was working last week, but it was $24 eeek
Ok, that's Canadian. But still. $24!
I miss everything around here. I just got the May revolver and it has a short article on SG. I didn't hear anything about it, but maybe that's because I work way too much. I never have time to truely enjoy all the little things like message boards and concerts with friends. Maybe I should quit.

I'm trying to convert all my friends here in...
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weeeeeeeeeeehoooo i stole your SG friend virginity.
now you just have to learn to post in MY journal.

you simply need to put more stuff on your website, cuz one piece ain't gonna show me much, shweetheaaaat.

doesn't everyone hate what they write? i think it's a rule. the only thing i like that i've written is this line: I'm everything you are and nothing you want to be.
Oh and also, one poem that i like that's about writing that no one seems to get. smile and nod. but that's okay.
I, I guess I'm here. I've made it into the sg world.
I hate buying condoms. It so akward when everyone the looks at you is thinking of the sex your're going to be having. While your browsing through the condoms the only people around are old ladies and mothers with their children who are at that age where they ask "Mommy! What's HE looking at?" Then, just as you get to the counter in one piece,...
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This week I have (so far):

shaved my head again
watched The Doom Generation (finally)
had a pep talk from my manager
planned my escape from the world
bummed money off my girlfriend
destroyed my livejournal
proclaimed my hatred for almost everyone I know
not smoked pot
made rude thoughtless comments out America

Here's to the rest of the week.
Good job man.
Ate at Captain D's tonight. Man, I really love and hate that place all at the same time. The fish is greasy as fuck puke but I still order the fish/chicken basket. WHY don't I order the chicken only? Because I like setting myself up for a little dissapointment I guess. It keeps me grounded or something meaningfull...

Me and the boys got together tonight to...
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thank you skull
Cut the hair short again. 1.5 inch I think... I can't wait till it's warm enough to shave. I'm tired of this damn winter hair.

My new Polaroid camera is SO much fun. Instant pictures are just cooler than point-and-shoot. The only downside is the expense of the film. 600 is not cheap shit. Oh well, I will soon have thosands of wonderful 'roids all...
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right on. thanks for listening.
i'm gonna work on it for a while, take my time.
i'll let you know when its completed.
peas and love.
Oh come on... Shave it off and buy a cap! smile

You know what's almost better than Polaroids? Digital. I take pictures like a madman now that I've gone digital (and that's not to say I wasn't a shutterbug before). Hell, I'll even waste film on snapshots now. wink