We made it. I'm staying in a hotel in Portland right now while we look for an apartment in the city. The drive was longer then anything I've ever imagined. If you really want to see how far I had to travel in three days, grab a map and try to figure out a route.

I'm tired so I'm going to watch some TV.

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Congrats on getting there alive.
I'd probably get lost somewhere around Nevada and end up driving back to AR and not even knowing it. tongue

First impressions? ooo aaa
So I'm married. The only bad news is that my finger was feeling extra fat the day I tried on the ring so now it's way too big. Thank god for extended warrenties that include resizing.

I'm watching Seinfeld reruns and the episode where he's talking about how fun it is to start a sentence with "My wife..." is on. I finally get to fully...
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well congratualtions on your wedding. and...
I've been staring at your pic for a long time and you look so but so much like a really good friend of mine who sorta dissapeared some years ago...
Sorry I didn't have more faith in you, man. blush
My Wedding = Tommorow

I'm not even slightly nervous like they said I would be. Actually, I'm really excited.

Yay for love!
I already told you, but congrats again, man.
I hope everything works out. smile
Damn. I didn't start updating like I said I would. I may be a liar but I promise that my intentions were pure.

I'm moving very soon now. I will be Portland-bound in less than 2 months. I'm excited because it means getting out of this town and never having to come back. (well, I might visit on the occasion)

My new picture is terrible...
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tongue take me w/ you heheheh!

[Edited on Jul 31, 2005 5:05PM]
So I've decided to get more active on SG again. I've been just lurking on the boards and looking at pretty pictures for too long. I pay for a membership and I intend to use it to the fullest.

In recent news, I am beginning to adopt a vegan/organic lifestyle. I've been wanting to for years and I finally made up my mind to do...
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Hey, what's that stuff between the SG logo and the banner in your Camino window? Or... would you have to kill me if you told me? I don't know if the knowledge is worth that.

*laughs* Go to your prefs and turn the banners on, rather than the art. It gives you thumbnails of the day's sets.

YAY! hope you have fun not eing a lurker. heheh! stop by my profile say hi sometime. as far as the no meat thing...congrats i will eat your share biggrin j/k I just love my chicken...hehehecan't give up that chicken. amazing that I have seen all the nasty videos on how the prepare them but I still can't do it plus when I tried veggie only I dropped like 20lbs. yikes! hehhe kiss kiss kiss
Good lord it's snowing today. I don't even know how many inches. We never get snow here... ever.

I called into work today because it's snowing and my stomach is very puke feeling. I've never called in before and I'm such a workaholic that it's actually making me feel guilty. I need to get over that.

I haven't posted in a while but I'm going to...
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Yeah, I've never called in to any job I've worked at. I never get sick, for one, and I always try to do my best to get on manager people's good sides, I suppose. But yeah, the ice kinda sucks. But it will be the first white Xmas in Jonesboro I can remember. eeek
Your e-mail/MSN doesn't seem to work, or more specifically, doesn't exist. E-mail me at aviolinsreligion@hotmail.com if you're still interested in going to the LR AR meet. Or call me 934-8183. biggrin
I just ate some three cheese and chicken enchilada hot pockets...

...and then I looked at the ingredients.

That was not food. Most of it was imitation. I need to start eating real food again. Real healthy food. I should adopt the eating style of some other culture. Other cultures always seem healthier.

I spent time with Lauren last night. I don't know what's going...
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hi! wink
Hah. I'm doing pretty good overall, about as well as poor, pathetic college students are concerned. How about yourself?

You should update more, or at least help make the SGArkansas group a little less insanely boring with me. biggrin
I'm tired. I should be sleeping right now but I decided to post in my journal because I haven't done so in what seems like forever.

I'm starting my latest campaign Wednesday. I have high hopes for this one. I think that we could really have fun with it. If I can get my stupid webcam to work again I'll turn in on during the...
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thanx for your comment on the boards about the weathermen.
As i wrote, the new album is available thru cd baby but wish you to do so, you can order straight from the source so to speak wink
and all our back catalogue is available for free on our website.

thanx again !


[Edited on Jul 07, 2004 2:33AM]
I just got back from seeing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I barely have words to decribe how it exceeded all expectations. I was moved by that film in a way that few things ever move me. Now I'm setting here in a mood. I have to do something. I have to go somewhere. This restless spirit of mine must be fed.

I'm off,...
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I felt the same way when I saw it. Blew me away. Damn. Want to see it again.

... nice new pro-pic.
I'm trying to develop a new outlook on life. I've been negative and bitter for far too long. I'm taking a good look at things that I don't like about myself and doing my best to eliminate them. Wish me luck!

I'm also as excited as I could be for Juliana. I'm so glad you got accepted. You're super cool and you deserved it.

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... and where have you been, Android?

Well, I skipped all classes to hang out with Jen today because I hadn't seen her in about a month. She decided to take our time together to let me know that she was no longer attracted to me and no longer had any interest in dating me. I appreciate her honesty but this was really the last thing I needed right now. I'm in...
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I didn't go to class today cause I still feel like shit run over twice. I'm not feeling as bad as yesterday when it took my an hour and a half to get out of bed but I still don't feel up to leaving my house.

In other news... Movie Gallery fired me. It was one of those "wrong place, wrong time" deals where I...
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Yeah, there's a difference between exaggerating a bit and just flat out lying about peoples' deaths and saying that your girlfriend got you into heroin, just so that people will feel bad for you. Or trying to make people think you're a badass because you beat up skinheads and "pop punk posers", when you've probably never been in a fight in your life. :/
Oh! And yeah, I think you're right about eventually not even knowing you're lying. He did it so much it's like he really belileved himself.