Hah, community service started yesterday, today is day two. I think I might go back to posting quotes every now and then, or once a day or something. I half-assed live on the internet, at least I'd like to think so.

Ugh. Sorry for not posting much on the SG community; I miss you guys! It's been pretty hectic getting ready for the move, both emotionally as much as physically. I don't have a whole lot of shit to move, so that isn't the problem, it's the relative I'm leaving behind that's the big issue with me. My Grandma has raised me my whole life, and...
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A blog post, because I haven't put one up in a while.

Not a whole lot to say, looking to move out of my house and find a new place to live for now. It's getting fairly unbearable here, hah. Ah, well. At least the bare essentials are covered, but beyond all that, this shit is a hell hole. wink
Saturday night power chill w/ my closest friends?

Fuck yeah. Nothin' better.
Finally, the band is starting to come together!

Me and a few friends have been trying to put together a band for, well, let's face it. It's been almost four years since the subject came up, and after a little managing I finally got together two awesome guitarists, a promising drummer, and even a bassist. The great part is, everyone is near / around the...
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Re-did my profile. Uploading pictures deleted it all frown
Christmas was awesome, heading back home tomorrow though, hesitantly of course. No choice in the end as always though! smile
Thanks for the comment on Royally Flushed and yes it was shot in Canada...we are both Canuck SGswink

really? cool....are u in the SG west group so u can hear about all the stuff happening locally that u can go to
Pulp Fiction, Rockstar & Vodka's, spending time with my family- nothing beats this smile
"Chemically derived, chemically driven, chemically deranged." - T.T. Wanton

So, not-so-recently I was asked (with a threat) by a friend of mine (best friend of mine to clarify) to write an 'album' about her consisting of several songs that really... Have nothing to do with nothing. At all. Period! But,hey, it's going to be one hell of a fun ride getting to this end product,...
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your welcome. how are you today?
Not sure what your price range is, but over at Adorama they're listing two used N65 bodies. They're usually pretty good at evaluating condition, too.