That should be the name of my biographic book. But I would probably leave to write it some other day.... :P

Laziness define my lifestyle in the past weeks. I don't really know why.... It's like "I want to do things, but Just not right now". In fact, I'm just writing this blog so I won't be doing something else that I actually wanted to...
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So, I was just walking my dog before going to sleep, as I always do, and we came across a very scared stray dog, much like he once was.

It's quite cold tonight and I wanted to shelter that stray, but my dog scared him away. That really got into me....

I even opened a threat at the "dogs" group on if anyone have tips...
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Yesterday (May 10th) was my birthday....

And I celebrated it by staying home doing nothing all day long!!!! :D

I usually throw some quite awesome parties, but this year, I was totally not in the mood. Not even to go out....

Yet, there were two friends that insisted in coming to my house just so "they don't lose the habit of coming here every May...
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Happy belated birthday! :) I did the same thing on some of my last ten or so birthdays, just because I enjoyed having the day off and relax. Sometimes it's just better than throwing a party. :)
Ok @emibot, you convinced me.... :P But @baalseraph totally get it. It's exactly that, just taking a day off without anything to worry or think about.

Today‘s morning, I had a job interview (for a quite boring job actually, but I have to pay my bills somehow...) here in São Paulo.

Since I didn't wanted to wake up über early in the morning to take the bus from my town, I have asked to sleep in a friend's house. Of course he allowed.

So once I finished the interview and returned...
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So.... it's 3:30 am here, I stayed up and went all the way down to the beach to see a meteor shower the internet had promissed.

Take a wild guess and say if saw anything....... :(

Awww no!!! 😔 
I was kinda expecting that already, @konamicode... I can never see those things. Apparently no one else could see it either. I'm starting to think it was some kind of hoax.

Let's remember the biggest waste of a character full of potential!

Darth Maul!

May we find in the expanded universe the story that was untold in the movies.... :(

Also, I did a huge spam of Star Wars related stuff in my page, drawings, photography, cosplays, curiosities...


As usual, I have nothing to report here. My routine have been the same of doing nothing out of the ordinary, just spending time on the internet, watching series and playing games.

Because of all this idle time I had at my hands I decided to create a facebook page. It's something like a blog where I write/post pics about geek stuff (such as comics,...
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For what I understood, now @missy and @rambo assign homework blogs for us here, right?

That is quite cool! :D

So, let me begin:

1) I had long hair for my entire teenage hood and young adulthood, I shave my head because I went bald at a very early age. Despite liking using my hair shaved as I use now, I still feel somewhat jealous...
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This was a very interesting read, especially the part about Misophonia. I've never heard about it before, and though I'm sure it's very inconvenient, it does sound fascinating. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that it's something that I'll definitely look up and read about as soon as I get a chance.

Heck, if you guys would let me hit you over the head with a Dwarven Warhammer until I feel better, I might even spend more time here. ;)
Actually @arroia, there is a quite accurate article about Misophonia on wikipedia. I don't really like to talk about it because I I think it is really fucked up to get angry about something so insignificant, but it happens, sometimes is better if people know it....  I mean, it's not like I would go on berzerker rage on someone because of it (despite sometimes I do want to...), but it's something that kills my good mood if I have one and really gets in my nerves if I am already stressed or upset... Also, as long as I am concerned, you can smash heads with your Dwarven Warhammer as much as you want to, as long as it's not my head, your neck and my Glass Greatsword won't have meet! ;)

You know, back in the Viking Era, today was a day dedicated to Loki, god of mischief and pranks.

But after christianity took over, they wanted to wipe the tradition away, but April 1st practical jokes and pranks continued and it became known as the April's Fool we have today.

Since I didn't came up with a good prank, have this old Thor 2 ad...
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I always think of awesome pranks to pull, but don't have the guts to carry them out. 
Buy why @iggy ? Pranks are always great to pull, even when it's not April's Fool, I just didn't had time or opportunity yesterday. Although I too have came up with some pranks that would be too... extreme to carry out. 

It's been over 1 year since I properly accessed this site.

I missed everything here!

And now everything looks so different... It's seems SuicideGirls.com went through a facebookzation, with likes and small posts instead of those blogs it used to have...

Is it proper to write as much as I'm writing now? Well, fuck it, I'm doing it anyway.

Past year was very intense for
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