So I am aware that people are into different things. People have different levels of intelligence. It happens. It's not really any one's fault. It just is.
If there is one thing I hate, it's people who cannot come to grips with what they do, and try to make it more glamorous or difficult to try to seem like they are equal footing with someone...
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Awww that lady bug is cute
So when you are pretty much forced to take a tourism class (or lose full time student status because all your other classes aren't available atm because a professor took the semester off >_<wink and your teacher tries to convince you that a trip to Old Salem is an awesome idea for your class...don't believe him. He is full of LIES.

I woke up before...
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A five page paper? eeek

I guess you could go by the questions you asked and how they answered as a good place to start. Is this one of those period places where you see people churning butter in their ancient clothes in a log cabin type thing? That's what it sounds like to me, and if so, five papers? eeek (love that eek smiley)

But major props to you for listing Queen as one of your favorite bands. Do a five page paper on Freddie Mercury. I'd give you an A for that

your trip reminds me of the book (and movie) Choke. Funny stuff.
Ok so I'm a terrible horrible non-updatey person. Gotcha, it happens, I blame life.

Anyway I have one reason and one reason alone for this particular update.

Please go comment on this set!!!
It's Tweedle and she's amazing ans gorgeous and sweet and her set Still life is gorgeous. Go leave it love. Seriously. i have no idea how hwe last set did not get...
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Good luck on your test and ur friends party biggrin
So I suck and fail at posting lately, I know, I KNOW!
Sorry, I've just been keeping uber busy with classes since they all feel I need to do a mountain of useless and irrelevant reading. It's frustrating and tiring.

One thing I did see...Squee's set Ball Play is still in MR. She's one of the most gorgeous and sweetest people ever so...
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So I figure a little shameless self promotion is in order.
of Doom is pretty well up and effectively running...I think.
Like I said in previous posts, I've mainly been trying to keep it as more an informative blog as opposed to the "OMG You wont believe what happened today" thing. Inevitably those things will slip in there, but I want to build some credibility...
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Lol those are awesome Have fun smilekisslove
So I finally got my alternative blog up and running, so if I'm not posting here I'll be posting there.
of Doom

I'm trying to do less blogging about my daily life and more reviewing things and updating plushie business and what not up there.
I have some plushies done and ready to sell, I just need to get pictures of them for your guys...
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Awww You need a break not rest girl smile Hope everything is going well otherwise smile How's the family doing?
Thank you violentpatriot for making me feel like less of a douche, lol.

So I'm feeling better about the whole New Orleans thing. (see previous journal if you REALLY wanna know).
It might be best that I not go this year anyway because saving money would be a good idea for me.
This way I can also save money for the trip in advance.

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Hula Hoop guy FTW lol..
Let me know when you decide to light the hoop up. I wanna see that shit!!smile Oh man, just think of the awesome weapon the hoop could make. Zombies beware!

PS. Waiting patiently. See how patient I am being?winkbiggrin
Voldenae is a sad panda...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

So I have a friend, that while I love her to death, has caused me a lot of grief, both intentional and accidental, over the years.

She has a depression problem, it runs in her family, and Im ok with it, Ive helped her cope with it and even encouraged her that seeking help therapeutically and...
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Still; you're one heck of a nice friend.
So....my schedule is finally sorted out.
I have a reasonable schedule again.

It only took 2 days worth going to wrong classes to get it fixed...but fixed it is, and I can't breathe a little now.

I just really need to get back into school mode...my brain is rebelling against that thought so much, however, I'm forcing myself back into discipline. Blarg.
I can...
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mad you're the reason the zombie apocalypse hasnt started yet. Stop that!
So I am considering starting a blog on an account like wordpress or something silimar to host an independent blog on.
I have lj, and tumblr, and my blogs on here and myspace and deviantart, but those are all attached to a site pretty much.

I wanted to do something so I could update, but also do reviews on movies, books, and games.
I'd probably...
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Gamers4Life. I cant wiat to get back home to my consoles and dependable Internet access...3 second delays are attrocious. Gald you had fun In GA!
psst. hey! Miss you. We have a little something for you that we know you'll want. wink
So the Atlanta F7 Lan is officially in swing.
Pictures will probably grace my fb and myspace all through out the weekend.
They're posting pics all weekend on the website too, F7 Atl lan

I'll be nerding it up here for the weekend.
I don't think I have ever been this tired without being sick.
However I am and it sucks.
All I want is more sleep...to nap in my over sized comfy chair while my boyfriend plays his video game.
But alas, the boy WILL NOT let me sleep.
Srsly...injury may follow. I have a massive headache because every time I drift off, he wakes me up...
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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is sooooooooo amazing.
I'm getting SSSM next! smile

Feel better. biggrin