I saw Clerks 2 the other night. It's funny as hell. There's a lot of big laughs in it, and a lot of little ones. Watching Clerks 2 is definitely a good way to spend a few hours. I'm not going to spoil any bit of it by mentioning a plot. Avoid trailers. It's better that way.
I got this ring tone which is the synth lead line for In Strict Confidences "Promised Land" and it rocks. It's pretty loud, but not loud enough for my deafness. It was off last night at the Bauhaus/NIN concert about the time Trent was doing "Hurt."

WetUnderwearGirl: What are you up to?
Me: I'm buying a Bauhaus t-shirt at the concert.
WUG: Oh yeah the...
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Well this past week was crazy. I'd go into details, but I'd rather not have a permanent record of what I did. smile
I went to DG Monday night and it was incredibly packed. The odd thing was I was totally fine with it. Sure it took 5 minutes to get from one end of the club to the other. But Ronan Harris from vnv nation...
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So, I went out on Saturday, and took Sunday to recuperate. Saw the one time reunion of Spitkiss. (Also, Burning Man 2006? more later.) Their material was a bit dated, but they played their asses off and it was a good show. After, we contemplated going for food or to the after party. After food was a no-go, we went to the after party where...
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So me and wet underwear girl hung out a few days ago for the whole day. It was great, she's really fun to be around, and she puts me in such a good mood. And I found we have more things in common than I thought. Too bad she's seeing someone. We swapped some music, she's got tons of stuff I don't have and vice...
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She's seeing someone?.... fortitude my friend, when he lets her down you'll be waiting in the wings... if not at least you seem to have found a partner in crime, which is good in a bad sorta way. biggrin
Yeah what that limey said.
Okay ,so my friend Dani, is walking in the 20th Annual AIDS walk in SF on the 16th of July. And it's time for all you, my friends to get your midyear karma buffs. so, go to The 20th Annual AIDS walk site via this link and give generously, or anything you can spare. She's only $300 from her goal. Let's see if we can...
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i know what your saying..im someone who has to get things out of my head as well..writing things down helps alot but there are a few times that it makes it worse..you start with one thing then a million other things add on top of it kiss
Shit I'm hungry and restless, who wants to go do something?
haha well its nice to know i was missed..i hope everythings going well for ya and your restlessness went away kiss
I've got it on the ropes! This is the longest cold I've had in a while. Now if I'd stop staying up late and having my feet freeze while at the computer. I should be good in a day or two.

Last night my friend came down from Danville (About 40 miles away.) He came down to pick up the equipment and write me a...
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So last night my nephew comes into my room and I'm playing, what else, Skinny Puppy, and he says "damn you." "for what?" "for getting me into Industrial Music." "cool." Ah another convert (: He claims he's going to get me into rap, but I told him I seriously doubt it.

See last month his dad sent him a iPod shuffle an I borrowed...
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Yes teach that boy the ropes of good music im trying to do the same with my little sis kiss
I already HAVE b&w2...that's what the picture is from! And yes, it is awesome.