Tonight is so bored compared to last night. I got a little drunk, but my cousins boyfriend got smashed. He ended falling down the stairs and beating everyone up. After a few minutes of me pinning him down we finally took him home. He took a bath, and passed out. Now, all I'm doing is sitting at my computer and watching movies online. smile
I finally got the internet at my apartment, something to be excited about. That means I'll be able to get on here a little more often than I used too.
Oh neat I'd totally love to see.
Gimmie a sec then
Hey everyone, nothing new to really to talk about. I finally made it through my first semester of college with flying colors. Not much longer until we get the internet ourselves and I'm pretty excited. biggrin
School is going good so far. Yay. Finally got completely settled in our new apartment. We're almost always broke but it's all worth it. Just waiting for the day I graduate and can finally do more than bare minimum. Wish me luck, and I'll wish it right back at you.wink
Good luck. I hope all is well.
What is up, sorry i haven't been updating i don't currently have the internet. I won't be able to get on too often. I'll try to update my blog and groups as often as I can. love and peace without the chiken grease.
Thanks so muchsmile
Things have been kind of chaotic here lately. A lot of packing and trying to manage school at the same time. I'm moving to my new apartment and trying to balance college at the same time. Thankfully I have my boyfriend to help me out through it all. I'm not sure what I would do without him. Well, I'll update as often as possible. MUAH! kiss
I just started college! Yip yip and skip a skip or two. I'm so excited. Things in life are starting to get a little better. love miao!!
I found this kitten on near where I live. He didn't have a mom and he's only two months old, so I took him in. He's so adorable! He can't stand being by himself so he follows me every where I go. I'll be posting pics of him here in the near future, and I decided to name him Mouse.
My god, I scanned my computer today since it's been acting funny. Well it turns out that I had 31 virus's and tracking cookies. Oh well, at least the problems fixed now. I wonder what I downloaded, or where I went that gave me so many Trojans? I got Little Big Planet finally and I love that game, It is so awesome! I didn't think...
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Oh god, my computer crashed completely and we had to do a factory system restore. It took forever. mad
But it's all good again. Had to re-download a few things, but its okay. Great to be back though.
Hey!!! hahaha I'm glad that everything it's fine again :p
I'm starting college soon and I'm so excited. Yay me. wink
I plan on being a psychologist and all that good stuff that goes along with it. love
Welcome !