Okay I am less than a month away from my cruise vacation. I am excited. I am going with my "friend" she is the only one who doesn't think we are dating so I just go with it. I will be hitting a few places in the western Caribbean, a little snorkeling, swimming with dolphins and some Mayan ruins. I should have a nice tan...
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So I have Started my "new" job (its the job I had 2 years ago.) Its third shift and I am going to have to readjust myself to working it.Mostly my sleep schedule. I am looking forward to having the best part of the day to do stuff this summer.

I have been working out at the gym but I have hit a plateau. I...
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Well its another Monday. I worked till 10the last night so now I am tired today... the joys of always working. I am waiting to find out if I have to interview for the 3rd shift job or if they are just going to give it to me. Two people have given their notice I am two weeks... so they will be short people after...
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So I figured out the other day that I have been killing myself working 2 jobs for a year now for very little reason $$. I have decided to go back to the third shift job I had a year and half ago. There are two women on the shift that no one gets along with but its better than having no time to myself....
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So not much new to report. I finish my Scuba class and am just waiting till may to do my open water dives.

I am still working 2 jobs so my free time is limited. I do manage to hit the gym 3-4 times a week. I have lost about 30 lbs since August. tho I wish I was loosing it faster but I understand...
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So my life is super busy. Yet I feel as if I don't ever do anything. I am thinking about quitting my part time job but I know would be short a whole lot of money. I would also go back to struggling to pay my bills.

I am half way thru scuba class. It for is going well. Then I wait till may for...
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Maybe sleep on the whole quit your job thing.Scuba diving is going to be a blast! Ever since i snorkeled for the first time i've wanted to learn to scuba dive and go deeper in the sea,or cave diving in the springs.
So life has been busy lately. Mostly filled with boring ass crap tho. Work has been dragging me down. I am just tired. That and its winter isn't helping much either. I need warm weather. Maybe I should find a hospital in the carribian to work for.

I am now done with week two of scuba. Its fun but it will be better in the...
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So in scuba class last night we hit the pool. All went well until we went to the deep end of the pool. We found out I am a floater. So it was kinda hard to stay at the bottom and they didn't give ne weights. Other than that it was pretty cool.

Other than that not much more going on in my life. Just...
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Thanks for the friend request! Scuba class sounds like fun!
Hey everyone!

So life has been busy lately. I am still working 2 jobs for 56hrs a week plus overtime when I get it. I am starting to work out regularly. Lost 25 lbs so far. I am also taking up scuba. So needless to say not much else can go on in my life right now.

I am thinking of doing online school in...
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So things have been going well lately.

A few weekends ago I went to Montreal for the weekend. I didn't do alot up there but it was nice and relaxing. I may be going to New Hampshire in a few weeks. The plans have yet to be confirmed as we are waiting our work schedules.

Yesterday I got told "I am not ready for a...
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