Something rather unsettling happened at work today. We received a customers UPS order returned. This isn't anything unusual but the reason that was printed out on a nice UPS label said "RECEIVER DECEASED." It was just so weird that we all laughed about it and made bad jokes. I put it to the side and decided to get to it later. When I finally opened...
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One of my friends from worked got fired. It suck and I feel bad that he is not around. But he was in the graphics department which I have patiently been waiting for and promised many time I'd one there was an opening. I feel kind of shitty thinking this might be my chance. I'm not really holding my breath because I have seen what...
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thanks for the comp on the tat...i designed it to cover some stretch marks on my hip that i've had since i was about 16...and i just LOVE that skull i thought the rise of the hip was a good idea! wink
yup mirror image on the other side...and i'm getting it done on friday...so pictures will be posted then.
I had to get my arm worked on at the hospital again. The shoulder had pretty much stopped cooperating so they put me under and stretched and yanked it. Now I'm feeling pretty out of it all doped up on percocet. Thankfully I don't think I'll need to take it for more the a day or 2 at the most.
I have to start looking for a new place. My roommate's mom is selling the townhouse. It is a good thing, bad thing. It sucks having to find a new place I can afford and moving. But I've been feeling like a change of scenery and situation for a while now. Hell it had even crossed my mind to move back to NY city and...
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It is a very cool thing when the owners' of the place you work for takes the entire company out to Six Flags. They paid for the tickets, gas, and we still got paid for the work day. It was very cool and fun.
Had to go to the Doctor today because my arm has decided to stop cooperating with physical therapy and my tricep isn't working. After a bunch of x-rays, pushing, poking, and prodding they are not sure why the tricep is not working right. There is talk of possible nerve damage. Besides the tricep everything else is just stiff and tight so I got a Cortisone...
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La, la, la. I have absolutely nothing going on.
ME TOOOOOO......just watching buffy nothin much else!!!!!!!!ROck!!!!
Damn work and damn my weakness. I hadn't smoked since Sunday but I let work get to me and had to have a cigarette today. Damn, damn, damn. Oh well, take 2.