wow, nice job!
and I'll take it as a compliment wink
You're welcome!!!! Anytime!!!! I really do enjoy working with you and getting to know you as we grow together! I can't wait to shoot with you soon!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!! AND thank you for the referal to Brixton. I will definately talk to her! Thank you!!! Cant wait to see you again!
Two posts in three days? That's a first! confused

As some of you know, I busk during the Christmas season, playing my euphonium (baritone horn) on the street with my case out to collect money for the Salvation Army. I play lots of different Christmas and holiday tunes from the traditional carols to more modern secular songs. I can go for an hour without repeats -...
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Well, I found part of the draw. It's from a fuse in the engine marked .. oddly enough, "engine."

I measured the total draw from the battery, and there's more [5.8mA total]. I wasn't able to find the rest after measuring all the fuses, so I'm not sure where else to look.
a.] I had a pretty full workup done on my car, and everything was fine. All that was toast were my belts. It was their only guess. The battery seemed fine when I got it, but at this point there's obviously no way of knowing. Except I have my old battery back in my car and new belts, and it's acting better than a.] the same battery did before this whole mess, and b.] it did after the new battery got run down. So I wouldn't rule this out based on my idiot light. My lights don't come on when they're supposed to all the time for things.

b.] I have a bad seal which is bad enough that I'm losing a full tank of oil every two weeks, or faster. Well, definitely faster -- that's just the time frame I'm positive and I think it's bad enough to say that. I haven't bothered to let it get down again and time it. That started sometime after my car was fixed after an accident, last winter. The head gasket is [obviously?] another problem, but it also exists; I wasn't confused or blurring the two -- I was saying, I have both problems.

c.] I've been told my timing belt includes removing the transmission, and to put away five hundred dollars for it. I was told the same thing about the seal, so that's what I was saying about killing those birds together.
Woohoo! I finished NaNoWrimo! biggrin 50,000 words in 30 days.

Of course between work and other responsibilities, and lots of just plain old-fashioned procrastination, it meant doing the last 20,000 words in 2 days... but I totally did it. With 20 minutes (and 14 words) to spare! blush

There's still more to write, another several chapters. One last crisis and the denoument, but the end is...
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50,000 words in 30 days congrats! How have you been?! I haven't heard from you in forever!
That's not procrastination!!

I wanted to say hello! It's been a while!!
NaNoWriMo is stealing my soul!! Ok, maybe not my soul, but it is consuming a lot of my attention. I had been falling behind the pace but got caught up today. I've written just over 12,000 words this month so far. The goal is at least 50,000 by the end of the month. Wish me luck! smile

And if any of you want to critique a...
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Well, actually, I am on some pretty affective medication for bipolar [II] disorder. However, the triggers of the holidays, which happen to lie in winter, can draw me into a spiral regardless. I don't combine my meds with an antidepressant the way is suggested .. so that's a lot of it. I cycle throughout the year, throughout the seasons .. it's just that winter is particularly hard for me to muscle through because it's not just "the same ol' thing" -- there is a constant trigger to it, every day for like two months.

And I work at a tanning salon [was that the irony?] -- so I know; doctors prescribe it, etc. But I tan several times a week. I'm sure it helps, but there are some things it doesn't .. help. ;/

Not saying I wouldn't mind moving away from winter. Ha.
I've never even heard of it. I'll have to check it out. One of the most annoying things is that my ears are plugged up and I can't pop them frown
Be sure and check out the lovely Spink's set "Along Came a Spider" and give it some love. So glad we could get this out for Halloween. Spink's a doll, not only beautiful, but fun, too, and I think this set shows both! love

Insurance is all settled up on the car after the wreck. They declared it a total loss, and my mechanic agreed...
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hey thanks for your comment on my set ! it means a lot to me <3
Awe, thanks, i sure hope it goes pink, i need the money cause im ITCHING for another tattoo smile
Well, crap! I was in a car wreck this morning. blackeyed No one hurt (other than some bumps and bruises), and decidedly not my fault, (as several witnesses attested) but I'm still without a car at the moment. I'll be hitting up the other driver's insurance company for a rental in a little bit, but still. Don't know if the poor old 99 Civic can be...
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yikes! glad you are mostly ok! <3
i wish! i hate worrying about money and i havent have any income for three months....and now i have no job waiting on me. at least i have such love and support from family and friends. ty so much tuba <3
It never rains but it pours! shocked

First, bunnirab and I shot a set which has just gone live on MR. Go check it out here and leave it lots of love. She is the queen of IBTs!!! lovelovelove

Second, I finished my SoFoBoMo book. SoFoBoMo is the Solo Photo Book Month -- a challenge where photographers are invited to create a book (as a PDF file)...
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That is actually nearly exactly the feeling! I was surprised the whole time while reading your description of it, because .. ironically, it did that very thing for me [only, regarding itself and not my topic, unfortunately] -- made me think of it in terms of .. the way a water drop finds its first path down your skin, and then over and over, no matter how many times you try to slide a water droplet down another path, it will go the same way it first went. Over and over and over, down what's familiar. Where it's been already. Sometimes even when you start a little to the left or right, it meets up where it'd been previously and follows it down, and you're like. Fuck.

But I totally agree. And this is what I've been trying for [not the water droplets, but you know ;/] -- emptying my brain of the old stuff, shaking it off .. and reapproaching. Because, my old thoughts were so heavily filtered and full of excuses for the situation, full of denial, .. that they are -nearly- untrue anyway. So when I write now I tend to cushion my words with untruths. And I don't want to. Obviously. That will give me zero closure.

That's where the mental block is coming in.

Which is a good thing -- at least the water droplet's not coursing along at top speed down the old path. It's a start.
My favorite. It saved me when I was younger. I've read it countless times now, in completion, and skimmed for the highlighted parts so many others.. that the pages are soft now.
Let's see, what's going on...? confused

I had the great pleasure of shooting a set with Bunnirab recently, and it will be going up in MR July 19, so that's exciting!!

And yesterday I started shooting for SoFoBoMo (Solo Photographer Book Month -- check out the web site for details). Basically it involves doing all the shooting, writing, and assembly of a photography book (at least...
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Thanks for your lovely comment on my set kiss
Great new set!!!
Well, happy fucking birthday to me! Today I hit my mid-century mark. Yep 50 years old. shocked

Hard to believe. I don't feel fifty. I'm not sure what age I do feel, but it's not fifty. I'd say it varies anywhere from 18 to 80, but rarely my actual age. No parties planned (at least that I know of), which is just fine with me. Had...
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Happy late birthday!
Happy belated 50th birthday wishes! Woohooo!!

Thank you for commenting my set! smile
Well tonight I prepped the rest of the haggis - about 20=25 lbs of it! About a third of it is cooking now (it'll be done about 2:45 AM), and the remaining 2/3rds will be cooked tomorrow. Nothing like being up to your elbows in oats and lamb bits! We should be able to distribute what of it we're giving away well in advance of...
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Thank you!! We will definately stay in touch!! You're great!!
Ok you made me giggle profusely