Picked up another sponsor for our annual Toys for Tots (C) motorcycle run. Fixed my Macbook power cord by looking at blogs online and soldering it, which saved me 80 dollars. Today was a good day.
Well done! Happy you had a good day doll
So I am making it a point that other than dishes, I'm not doing crap today.
I have a headache and alot of work to do but now I am lazy so too bad.
come drink with us smile
I am going to the American Legion tonight. 3.00 long island iced teas and 2.00 bottles. Plus the bartenders drink with you and you can smoke inside. Waiting for the wife to get off work. Thanks for the invite. Come to Bisbee!
So, this is a blog. I am always very busy teaching in the day and doing volunteer work at night. Mostly motorcycle events and relaxing whenever i can. I do not plan to post much and I have been a SG member for over one year on and off due to deployments and not wanting to pay to keep it active when i know i...
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