Would like to wish everybody a Great Happy New Years, and hope you all the best!! I for one will be staying in at home and ordering pizza. To the rest of you party on!!
Just woke up to hear that there was a murder a block away from my house frown. Sad news especially when it happens in your area. 29 year old shot in the head. Dam Why is it so easy for people to have guns in this world!

Other than that not much happening today other than relaxing and again chilling. Maybe take a couple hours...
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Awwww just woke up with a severe stiff neck. Calling in sick to work today. Trying to figure out my tattoo layout on my arm and shoulder. Its tuff, but it will be my first one. Not much to blog about today, maybe later on.

Ok so its just past 2pm, and I have yet to go outside, its bloody -25 with the wind burrrrrr. My stiff neck has now also given me a headache. I am really just chilling and watching DEA on spike.
Sounds like a nice day to yourself man, I'd kill for one of those smile
Awww so its holiday Monday(because Boxing day fell on a weekend) for my work and like all holidays this year I got screwed and am working again. I hate it, the people who had the real holidays off, get today off so that's 4 days in a row. Whatever a holes. My seniority will be high soon. At least I won't interact with the public...
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