Well, I got a new hat, and it's pretty awesome.

However, the rest of my weekend pretty much sucked. Guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows in whiskey and Bob Dylan records. Oh well.
I would like to give the bards something to sing about.
Ugh. Car crash today. Right side of my body is hurting.

Car wrecks are Lamesville, USA.
Can't sleep.

Well, that's not entirely true. After Having no days off for about 20 days in a row, and then working until 6 yesterday, I came home and passed out. Naturally, I woke up at 3 and now I can't get back to bed. Oh well, only 3 more hours until I go back to work.

Cross the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard Where the booming heavens roar You'll behold in breathless wonder The God of Thunder, Mighty Thor!
Avengers Assemble!
Are all nerds as good as you? Yes. How come? Because all jocks think about is sports, all we think about is sex.
And video games
If it keeps on raining levee's going to break
If it keeps on raining levee's going to break
When the levee breaks have no place to stay