Ran today. Still two minutes off my pace from last summer, but getting faster every week. Was about 45 seconds faster today than Friday. Hell, I may be able to get into the low 16 minute times by the next PT test in July at this rate. Need to work on sit-ups too while I'm at it.

Now time to clean up and go drink...
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Done with work, going to run on the levee again. Hope it rains tonight. Have been looking for morel mushrooms the past couple days and have found 10. It's dry though. Need about an inch of rain to really bring them out.
So had army drill this weekend, weather was perfect. Lots of sun, cool at night. If I ever had to pick a weekend to stay in a tent this was it. Now I'm getting ready to step out to the bar to see what's going on. Think I'll definitely be outside tomorrow after work, need to run, run, run while this weather lasts.
I need to get a new computer. The Droid phone is working for now but there are just some things it can't do. Been waiting for morels, just need a little more weather like today's.
So I filed tax returns yesterday. Now I get an E-mail saying there's a mistake and my refund is on hold till I fix it. Fuck me!! Also went out to the bar last night and probably screwed up my chance with a really cool girl. Why didn't I just stay put instead of going to that other bar across town to help a friend?...
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Can't hardly wait till payday. Having no money and a pile of bills is not my idea of fun.
That never is
Went to the pretty things peep show last night. Had a good time and many, many, and a few more drinks.
Glad I took today off. A three day weekend was just what I needed.
thanks for you kind words im feeling better today...so now its back to work
So I renewed for another year. Got new tires and now I'm broke till payday. Then it's time to pay the mortgage. Oh, and I've still got to file taxes. Guess everyone gets a piece.
Other things, my friends are well on the way to having a baby. I'm playing mass effect 2 like a junkie. I need to get my ass out running, however...
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well, it's been almost a year since my computer died. i've got money saved for a new one and should be back online once i return from virgina in a few weeks. the past year has been a roller coaster but i think i've turned the corner and will have some smoother sailing for a while.
computer broke.
am now a hitch-hiker on the internet.
sarah palin scares the beejezus out of me.

also, the country is about to go fully socialist.
just need health care to be nationalized.
then all the homes, banks, insurers, schools, and medical providers will be operated by the government.

good thing i have enough beer in the fridge to settle me down.
i guess i should also start watching the mind destroying sitcom crap...
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