just got back from a show at the tipsy teapot where i saw a pretty good band from up in chapel hill named "blagard" or something like that. need to look them up later. though now my ears are ringing just a little. not in a bad way though. kind of nostalgic actually.
a little over a week in the new apartment and i finally have internet access. haven't been on the site the whole time since i can't exactly look at naked girls at work (phooey!). the past couple weeks have been some of the most difficult in my life. i'm finally getting some focus as to what to do with my life. i've been meeting a...
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embrace the lessons and move on

stay strong


enjoy the challenge of a new day

this has officially started off as the worst new year ever. my now ex-fiancee and i had been having a rough time of things over the past few months. she's off at school, 2 1/2 hrs. away. not all that far but with her workload and volunteering she doesn't have much time off. not to mention the fact that she's starting to see her long...
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four years gone by, and it's over. finished. no happy ending. blackeyed

UPDATE: perhaps i spoke too soon. things are back on track. sort of.
first weekend at home in a while. so it's time to do a little organizing, cleaning, and working on some crafty projects.
the first attempt at a tin can lantern went fairly well. now it's time to try it out with a larger can and with a more planned out design. if i can get these to work well it will be one thing less...
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having a pretty horrible day at work. the boss has been out for over 2 weeks. today our secretary called out because her son was sick, possibly the flu. and our social worker fell on her way back from lunch and may have dislocated her shoulder. i am now the only person in our office that has not been injured, become ill, or taking care...
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Indeed. eeek Hope the rest of your day goes smooth.
Maybe some higher power is giving youa chance to prove you are amazing tongue Or all of them just have really bad luck.
for those of you that don't know, planning a wedding is hard. and stressful. and expensive. eeek
I hate it babe frown
today marks the end of the first real vacation i've had in many, many years. it was also the first road trip vacay i've been on in more years than i care to remember. my fiance, PaisleyPony, and i packed our bags and hit the road heading out to clarksville, tennessee. from where i live in north carolina it's at least a 12 hr....
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went to see the new star trek tonight. it was visually stunning. the story was great. i highly recommend it to anyone who likes star trek. especially the original. but don't go in expecting the same cheesiness from the sixties. they've swapped it out for nothing but cool. robot