Hey, another long break between posts. I'm making a habit of it. Things are going well. I'm not too thrilled about my job at the moment and possibly looking at applying to be a teacher with the school district. I dunno, we'll see.

Disney Marathon was ok. Actually worst race I've ever had, way too humid and way too packed. 30 runners /sq ft. or...
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Lookin' good, sexy! I remember seeing the race on the news.. definitely looked crowed.
Awesome week. Not really. Well the weekend was awesome, but the week was pretty hectic. A few trips to the VA psych inpatient, a missing persons report and a few hundred pounds of peat gravel. Nuff said.

I'm getting back into running schedule now. It's awesome. I'm psyched for the race. Anybody in Orlando who wants to come out for the Disney Marathon, come cheer...
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It's in Arkansas, but it looks like it could be an interesting trip.
I've got my Orange Key tag and I'll be scoring the Green "60 days clean and serene" in 12 days. Sobriety isn't so bad after all!
Sorry, I'm watching this debate on CSPAN (yes I'm that nerdy) about the Employment Nondiscrimination Act and including discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identification as being illegal. And rather than just outright say they don't like homosexuals or anybody that falls under the GBLT umbrella, they like to prance around the issue and state that "it'll create all these lawsuits because then a...
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Soooo if I get my car by the 30th I'll be there. biggrin
Invite anyone you want. The more cool people the better. Then I won't be bored to tears all night smile
What a weekend

I went to Orlando as a Delegate to the Florida State Democratic Convention. It was a lot of fun, I just wish I was a little less sick for it. I take a day off of work for the first time since January and then I get sick for the first time literally in about 4 years. Fuck. Either way, it was...
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So you're becoming a puppet of the politicians, huh? Well, have fun.
I DO NOT need a detox from BNOC, I am not drinking that much, or enough, depending on how you view things. Personally I think it's not enough. Though I should be getting back before Thanksgiving. Our graduation is the morning of the 16th and I plan on making a hard drive back, so I think I might make it by Sunday night (the 18th) or sometime Monday.
I'd say if you really want to do the military thing we could work out together, but I'm pretty sure you could out run my ass.
Yeah, I mostly just like pirates. Yaaarrrrr biggrin
Welcome back! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!

There's only one October! But there's no more good teams. Poor Cubbies...100 years with no pennant.

But Bucs and Bulls are doing well. USF is #2 in the BCS rankings, which makes Tampa a hotspot for college football!

Well, I got confirmed as a Florida Democratic Convention delegate! And I was thinking about applying for national delegation, but a...
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That old bitch was about to get her shit completely ruined and I wouldn't have felt any remorse. I'm surprised her mouth hasn't gotten her stabbed already.
Staying sane out here is a full time job. I think I'm going to make a hard run back to Tampa when I graduate. I'm going to shoot for Sunday night, we graduate Friday morning, so we'll see how that works out.
Damn straight I stole you're pics. I want to show off my new friends.
I dunno why I just haven't been feeling like posting lately. And the only reason I'm doing this is to avoid the pain in the ass form-filling-out process that I'll be doing for all my clients before the end of the night. I just drank a nice warm caffine-filled cup of really dark coffee to stay up, but I dunno if that's gonna help the...
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I HATE mind games. I don't think people realize that although honesty does hurt sometimes, its always 10x better to be honest, than to play games. Everyone appreciates it in the long run!
I know there are men out there who aren't those things. But for one reason or another, I keep getting stuck with ones who do. One of these days I will find something different. Or something different will find me.
Hey, back on. I've got a new job working as an "Independent Living Counselor" for Volunteers of America. I help recently homeless get hooked up with social services and get where they want to go. I think I'll like it. I'm pretty good at what I do, and there are good people I work with, plus some around my age, which is nice. Just a...
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I'm getting into my running routine. A good 20 mi a week. I'm set on easy mode for now, just because I lack the motivation and energy to go all out. Disney Marathon in Jan. Anybody want to run with me?

Things are going. I found out that my job isn't paying me enough to pay my bills so now I've got to find some...
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your picture is straight lollercoaster!
haha, i wouldn't call it "roughing" it-- but yeah, my suitcase always has a book or two. smile
Things are going well. Day off. Think I might go for a run.
So I'm back from vacation and back into a new job. I'm working at Chuck's Natural Foods in Temple Terrace, so if anybody wants to stop by and say hi...!

Vacation was pretty fun. It was good to spend time with my family and the experience was so much fun. I got to see so many cool things in Scandanavia and even got to go...
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umm...your welcome?