i am now the proud owner of a pretty bass guitar. only a cheap, second hand one mind but hell if it gives me something to do i'll love the hell out of it. already learnt how to play a blink song so i'd say i'll at lest get something else in my head by weeks end.

in saying that though i have a metric...
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SPOILERS! (Click to view)

i think i've hit the emotional wall. for years i've been good at suppressing my 'darker' emotions but as of late it's been getting harder. the blocks i've set up seem to be breaking on a regular basis and it's happening around my housemates. they've actually told me i scare them sometimes haha. although thinking back i have to say i...
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it really has been awhile since i've done anything......watch this space. somethings going to happen ^^
what a past couple of days. i swear they might be the best of my life so far.
first up was friday night which involved crystal castles (a fucking indescribable show of awesomeness) , and 3 hours of dancing to dub-step, DJ-ed by team fresh, which was fucking unreal. and to top it off i got a signed door sign and crystal castles and got...
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right so i was walking down the street the other day and in the window of oxfam i found the most epic things ever. it was the ink spot grestest hits on vinyl. for those of you who love fallout you might know these guys. so that was on thursday. since then me and my house mates have bought a vinyl player and i raided...
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Thank you so much for your support and love for my first set The Pink Suite! It really means so much to me kiss
i do believe life is slowly falling into place. very slowly xp
oh hello there. my it's been a while. how are things?

me? i'm pretty good. things are looking up for me. young, free, single and living in my own place now. how things change.

hm....kinda lost how to continue like this so lets just go to me talking normally now.
aye so as i said things are looking up in my wee life. got a...
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I'd love to see your new place
Hahahah oh god paintballing, I remember the unholy welts and bruises XD
life is good.........

today begins me being off work for 2 weeks and last night was spent seeing Hadouken and Japanese Popstars. both were epic in their own way although Hadouken was cut short due to some cock up.

though i'm off, i've got so much to do. have to sort out a job, a house, a portfolio, a new relationship, some friendships and hopefully...
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painful hangover? that's one of the reasons i don't drink, i hope you get through it ok!
and yess i am a student but i don't have a loan, i'm lucky enough to have my rents sort out my bills - their idea, not mine, i wasn't going to argue with them smile free money would be nice though, i think i'm getting some in May smile

and yess lino is pretty expensive, unfortunately most art things don't come cheap, i'll have to acquire some on the sly tongue
got no plans for today, might play frisbee later if the weather holds out but it's looking a bit tooo grey atm :/
thankyou thankyou very much smile
good god job hunting is hard. especially when ya don't know what ya want to do. but i've been in the same place for... two and a half years and fuck i need a change. really need to change alot of things....
Oh yeah! is very cool smile
Good luck job hunting!
I love the excitement of a new place. smile