i know, i am on my way out in a couple of months. but hell, i might as well bitch since i don't really have any followers or traction on the site.

it really annoys the shit out of me when i scroll through my feed and i see that a hopeful just copied and pasted the same picture of themselves into multiple possibly relavent...
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maybe i am just an old fart. maybe i am a square. i have never done any drugs. i drink... a fair amount actually. not enough to have a "problem," but enough. i have never smoked cigarettes. i actually feel gross just typing the word.

that being said, i really don't find the marginal amount of pot smoking themed sets on here. i don't find...
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:/ nooo!
I'm with you on everything except the cancelling.  Hope you change your mind.  I've no problems with pot, and think they should legalize it, but I haven't tried it.  Also not a fan of smoking, although I do like the smell of a pipe.  Reminds me of one of my favorite uncles.

got to wake up at 530am this morning to be on the tv. yay.

good times

still time to donate. i have been challenged by another walker. loser shaves his beard...