Getting drunk Wednesday and Friday has resulted in me being overwhelmed with homework 5 hours of homework down, and a disturbing amount left to go. At least my cats stopped bugging me and fell asleep. Although Top Gun is on. Fuck.ARRR!!!
Found me new artist and now will be the proud owner of an alexisonfire foot piece as of Wednesday. biggrin
Peelers= Me having to good of time and being unable to function today. Wake up at 10am, Hurl. Go to bed again, wake up at noon, Hurl. Play Halo reach the rest of the day while downing an entire carton of apple juice. I love being a student.
Fack. Go into my tattoo shop only to find out my artist has left!!! Fack Fack Fack.... Let the search begin for a new artist for moi!
That really sucks. Was he done working on your piece at least?
frown no, we were talking about doing a alexisonfire foot piece. So i finally went to the shop to get the process going and they told me he left frown. Crappy day.
I may have gotten baked with a couple friends last night. Turns out we ate a entire box of chicken fingers. Solid work right there.
I have just devoured two 650 gram tubs of Activia yogurt while watching Ratatouille. Lets see what you can do Probiotic's.
Just got a phone call saying my cousin was killed in a car accident. My emotions are so twisted, I have no words,Just a sick feeling. He wasn't even past 25 years old. Why , is the only thing that comes to mind.
My o My has it been awhile since I last updated my Journal on here. With final 2/5's done my life right now is pretty tense, I have 3 tests in the next four days to close out my first University year here in E-town, which I NEED to leave and go back out the country living an hour out of the city makes a...
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