I've been gone for about a week due to some complications with my credit card.

On Friday, I found out that my grandmother has cancer. I haven't wanted to do anything but drink, smoke and sleep since I heard about it, but I've got so many other things that I have to take care of...
im sorry.
I understand the pain and confusion.
Im here..feel free to vent
Just wanted to jump in and say I hope you're doin' okay there mate. Keep the spirits up!
Only a bit hungover. tongue

Didn't get to go job searching, but I suppose I'll have time tomorrow after class and the rest of the week. Definetly going to app at every bookstore and coffee shop in the area.
Hmmm, I should join you in that hunt. But in my own little part of the world. Don't wanna step on your turf ya know? I'd actually really like to be a part timer w/ a coffee house or a good bookshop.

Well without knee jerk reactions what would we as responsible Americans do?

Seriously man are you in league with the terrorists and the axis of evil?
Got my car back. The job search begins...tomorrow.
Wish me luck.

I'm seriously considering saving for a saxaphone before saving for a camera or any other equipment. I really do miss playing music, but I don't have the patience to learn how to play something from scratch. It's been years and I'll have to relearn but thats better than starting over completly.
Whatever the case,...
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So, there's been no update - can we assume that you are hung over? *LOL* tongue

Music is just another outlet, if you feel a strong desire to get back into it - then do it. I've never had the blessing of been musically inclined so I definitely feel it's something you should nurture.

Good luck on the job search, I am here if you need anything! wink
I'm thinking you're hung over. I'm betting on it almost. I know I still am! Ha.

Hey, good luck with the search for employ. It's always a fun one. Hopefully all the hunting will be worth it. Enjoy!
School in the morning. Can't sleep because I slept all day.

My friend is a security guard at the building he lives in, and whenever he works the nightshift, I come by and hang out with him for a bit to help him pass the time. We're both in pretty much the same situation with school, home and living (and until I quit my job...
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Damn straight you are.
I know how you feel, sometimes I can't beleive that I go to a University.
But here there are at least some kids that make me feel like I haven't learned anything, so I have some people to converse with/look up to.

Sorry man but if you go to school in Miami you just may be out of luck... Oh and I have tried the Capone's but I haven't had one in a while. I just might have to pick some up.
Withdrawl sucks.
Would anyone happen to be working on a production and be in need of a Kevin Smith looking, sarcastic, knowledgeable and amatuerly experienced entertainment technology student? I've been away from women and film long enough to be depressed. I need to be surrounded by camera, lights and ladies again damnit!

I should really work on my story and just use my friends production...
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I can't say I have anyone in mind to fit what you're looking for. Mark and Zippy, from Radio Disney were in desperate need before they got booted from the air......

High School drama huh? Huh. I'd likely pass. Then again, I've seen my share of the entertainment world and it doesn't seem to get much better. Least not at the locations I have been on. Eh.
Talent should make up for the drama ??
Zoli's new set is spectacular beyond words. I'm in desperate need of a thesaurus becuase I really can't think of anything else to describe it or her.
So yeah...check it out.

In other news, that storm was pathetic. I went outside to smoke a square and saw my neighbors doing the same thing. I did the nod of acknowledgement and went on my merry way....
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Zoli is gorgeous, I definitely need to go check it out.. I'm not really up to date with the SGs on here - bad Amber! tongue

Those two days don't count as your "optional" absences, do they?!!?
Well better safe than sorry. I'm glad it wasn't bad.
Thanks for being my text buddy, its much appreciated.
Posted the pics of the piercing. I just realized that everytime I take pics for this site I'm wearing my Pink Floyd shirt.

I don't mind if you don't.
I've never been a fan of the labret piercing, BUT you seem to be sportin' it rather nicely.. Props to you, it looks hot! wink
Hey that's cool! Very nice. It's a decent starter I think. It gets addicting too.
Been busy this weekend.

Went out with Samantha last night. She called me at 8, picked me up at 11 and we were just about to get on the highway when her brother called her asking her to come by Tattoos by Lou. He was getting his nipple pierced and needed her there (I don't think he's 18 quite yet.) Considering Tattoos by Lou is...
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Fo'shizzle, fo'shazzle. Let's all have some fun! Or something....

The piercing thing rocks. I did my labret on a total whim. Well, sorta. Wanted it for a long time but never planed on getting it done on a Saturday afternoon whilst doing laundry. It's more fun that way. Heh, drove my parents nuts!

Glad to hear things are going well. That's always a good thing. School will be good times I'm sure. I can't talk much. I finished it so damn fast just cause I hated it. I hope you have fun though! smile And first days are the best I think.

What kinda hat?
SWEEEEEET! you got it? i wanna see. pics now, biotch! kiss
Missed out on work due to reasons beyond my control. Did a lot of thinking about the ending of my story and so far I still have absolutely nothing. The problem when writing your own story comes when you try to find the resolution to your character's plight. You have to have found your own. Something that I'm still working on.

I'm sorry about all...
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I want 5 things.
A cigarette, a woman, a car, a job and an ending for my story so I can make a movie.
I wish I knew what exactly to say or suggest, but my father always just told me "How does it feel to want?" frown

I hope you get AT LEAST four of those ASAP! kiss
It's hard to believe that so much shit could go wrong in so little time.

As of right now, I'm just over $1000 in debt, much of which must be paid immediately. My last day of work is Friday. I have no car right now and the very best case scenario would cost me just about $500 to fix it. I've got no job set...
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Dude, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear. Not good. I hate debt. Just when I seem to be gettin' out of it it comes back and bites ya in the ass. Eh. It's just money right? No one will be killing you over it will they? If yes, then I'd worry. Try the mob?

Okay, so my lame feel-better attempt isn't working. I'm sorry.... How about bar jokes?

Two drums and a cymbol fall down some stairs... Buh-Duh-Ting. Yah, okay.... N/M

At least you have us here! And a half pack of cigs in the trash you can always work on for awhile. smile
Wow.. well, I guess this is a prime example of "when it rains, it pours".. All you can do is try your best to keep your head dry until the weather slowly clears.. Obviously you can't just sit around and enjoy the water show, you need to "be involved" and get an umbrella, but just remember things can always be worse so try to keep yourself looking towards the rainbow wink

Stay tough kiss