She wasn't psycho. Never had been. Did thinking that ever make it easier to believe that what I did was justified? Was fair? Was right? If that was the case... No, no lies; that was the case. She wasn't right, so everything I did was right by comparison. Right?
She was definitely off, I know that. Weird, kooky, emotional problems, a bit on the obsessive...
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233, nope. Though I think you may be the first to get it.
Better question: Are any of the Fibonacci numbers perfect squares? Perfect squares of other Fibonacci numbers?
I've never understood people.

Today, I did the same thing I do every other day. I woke up, pissed around, and went to work. Then I came home, did stuff, and am about to go to bed. Every day is the same. All my life's a circle.

I've got the familial disease of "it'll be better later." All of my good stuff will happen in...
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what do you want to be doing?
wow it takes loads of people longer than 21 years to realize that they are their own responsibility and no one but no one can be held responsible but their selves
why would people leave snide comments???
ya know what i say?
fuck em if they cant take a joke.

everyone has delusions of gradeur, if they dont have a depressive personality. everyone thinks they are best.
ive been called an egomaniac more times than i can count, but so what? im happy. i realize im cool
if the other person doesnt think so too bad.

have fun
Fuck popular usage.
yeah, i do have a gi joe related tattoo... but it's also a ninja related tattoo, and it's really from the i-ching. check it out here, if this works (if it doesn't, just cut and fucking paste: [url]http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Lifestyle/1909/page2/

about the 23 thing: i've read and re-read cosmic trigger by robert anton wilson, which has a section detailing the re-occurance of the number 23... since i read that, i started noticing 23s everywhere i looked. of course, if you are actively and purposely looking for something, you are much more likely to find it.

did you get inspector #23 four times in a row? that would freak me out.

You have a small penis.
I've never gotten used to the idea of love. It's always made me slightly uncomfortable. Someone's with you at all times, tweny-four hours a day. They never leave you, even when you're not in their physical presence. There are many experiences like that: hate, envy, crush, indigestion. None but love, though, is this invasive. None but love reaches your core, your soul; hate could come...
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haha, right good try though!
love is an obsolete holdover from simpler times, where people didn't think for themselves. love is the great manipulator, love is the blind gambit that will ultimately fail.

I am a hypocrite.

Say it with me now: "I am a hypocrite." 'Cause I'm almost sure you are, too.

I won't kill anything around me (unless it be human. While many doubt the human thing, I'm convinced that given half a chance with getting away with it I would. My problem is I watch too many forensic shows.), not even spiders who are crawling...
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I'm a hippo, you critic.
true true...i never understood
how someone could look down on
me for eating meat/flesh when
they're mucnhing away on a salad;
that once needed air and water and
sunlight to grow and live. and if they
hadn't come along to pluck and eat
it those plants would have lived out
their life cycle and died a natural death.

my point is everything is subjective and
no one should look down on anyone
else just because they make different
choices than they do; and that you are
so dead on in your assesment about
plants being alive. oh and i changed my
post in that MAY thread so no one would
know the ending if they didn't know it already.

So, I know this girl named Becky. Rebecca. I'm not sure what she prefers. I've known her for a few years, but our conversations have always been agonizingly brief. We're shy, or she is and I'm stupid.

We went to the same high school, but were in different grades. Who I was in high school (three years ago) is of course not who I am...
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Gummo. I liked it. But I've only seen it once. Maybe if I see it again (you saw it 4 times??) I will think differently. Everyone I know hated it. I think they hated it because it gave them an icky feeling. My contention is, if that's what the movie set out to do, then it was a success. I like the fine line between documentary and drama. It was absolutely painful to watch. But you gotta love Chloe!
Well its like this do you want to send the rest of your life wondering what would of happened if you asked her out or do you want to take a chance of being rejected and just do it? I say just do it dammit!!! Anyway good luck!!! smile