I'm listening to Franks Wild Years, the Tom Waits album between Rain Dogs and Bone Machine. It's technically good (the best kind of good) but you can hear the extermination, desperation and the anxiety to follow up on such a good album and the makings of what would later become an album for a generation--something so good that even a Black audience was thought it...
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Happy Sunday, everyone

Sweet Jesus, what am I doing up at this ungodly hour. Those of us with sensitive eyes shouldn't have to endure the suns abuse.

I'm a normal man. I deserve a little private dignity, now the sun is trying to take it away! I'll see what the pills have to say about that! I'm a working man and I need my sleep.

Good God. How...
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I used to LOVE Garfield so much...lol
thank you for commenting on American Psycho!
I appreciate it a lot
I have all this coffee and cake energy and no one to put it in so I guess suicide has to deal with it now. The things I do just to exercise my wanna be writer demons. I pray for a hard crash so I can get some sleep and later blog about the things my subconscious tells me about me in my dreams. The...
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I can still smell the fake plastic wood from my new record player. I would love to say it's adding some ambiance to the new Radiohead record, but in all honesty, I'm on the verge of a small headache. Unfortunately a small headache would be a small tick on my list of health woes. I woke from the litany of bad dreams to everything part...
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I had the brilliant idea of spending New Years in a dark theater today. And so did half the town. We saw I Am Legend which was okay. Will Smith can't really do alone and crazy just right yet. Also saw Juno. I'm afraid that the kids are gonna turn it into another Nap. Dynamite, except this one is good and funny.
Still hungover. Still. The only things I can do now are drink tea with mango juice on the side, listen to old R&B (the only R&B,iimo) and try not to chain smoke. And looking at naked ladies helps too! I really need to learn how to be creative without turning to the sauce or at least keep it down to one bottle a night. No,...
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