Listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless, listless....

...awe, lil' Cthulhu!

Had a gas leak today; no heat until god knows when. Everything was fine was it was 80 outside. Now it's 50 and raining.....so cold. So cold. frown

Yesterday I had my annual zombie dream, but with a twist. Instead of the usual walking outside, see the horde and running and then waking in a sweat, it was war. We were outside my grocery store which is a huge warehouse type building. The zombies would jump the fences and run up the narrow alleys on the sides so they were easily taken care...
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I had a dream today.

I was sitting in a talk show; nothing big, it was done in the host's home: big open space with desks covered with props and stuff. The walls were a medium blue. I don't know if I was a guest or just part of the peanut gallery but I was enjoying myself regardless.

I was sitting next to a girl,...
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wow tongue

Sorry Conan, Steve Allan is still the best
I have electricity again! I have a new iPod that I hold in higher regard than most people I know! Sad, yes and I don't care. Doing a lot of research on Canada today for some reason...

Four hours later......

I have discovered the recipe for chicken Alfredo for one. I am a genius.....with internet access.

ugh I'm fat and I just bought t-shirts--Venture Bros. t-shirts-- that now make me feel fatter. I need to join a flippin gym but the dentist has the money I need to join the Y. When did the YMCA membership get so damn expensive; $51/month from what should be the cheapest place to get un-fat. It'll probably be mid-September before I have the money, but...
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Sweet Jesus, how the hell could this place still look shitty after 2 hours of cleaning! I guess a isolated the sprawl from everywhere to certain areas(?). Now a need a snack and a nap.