Today is my last day of work. I am both a little happy about it and a little freaked out. I do not have another job lined up (not for a lack of trying). However I hate my job so I am not real sure how to feel about it.
Good luck.
Any luck on a new job? I about walked out on mine last night.
Another long day ahead of me today. I am going to look at a car this morning then maybe go to the Celtic Festival for a bit. We were going to go to the all stick shift drag races but it looks like the whether is not going to work with us for that so we will have to figure out something else to do.
How has your job search been going?
That sucks man. It's hard to find work here as well. I hate my current job and still am filling out apps to try and find something different/better but am having no luck.
So far it has been a really long day. I am tired but it is way to early to be tired... SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!!
looks like I might have to sell my project car frown My finances are bad at the moment and since I am getting laid off I am not going to have any money to put into it so I may have to sell it to pay off some bills so I do not get myself into trouble. I am sad to see it go but I...
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Bad news... I was told my last day at work is the 31st... This is not good because I have no idea what I am going to do about work... I hate not working but the market is so bad around here it is going to take some time to find a new job. This is all really bad timing class starts in a few...
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<3 hey best of luck to you man
I am ready for the work day to be over. I am tired and REALLY cranky today. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Hehe thank you hun smile Hope your day gets better
sending hearts love love things sucks for me too i was suposse to get married but..... not gonna happen
What a boring day. I am watching Watchmen and then it is off to bed for me so I can go in for another long boring day of work.
Run naked through your work declaring you need a raise, they'll spice things up
That's how it goes these days frown
I am on break from work... I am bored. It has been a long and boring day so far. After work it is straight home to watch Watchmen and then I need to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my day. Any ideas?
I suppose I am off to bed. I really need to try and get some sleep or I am really going to hate myself tomorrow. Goodnight world robot
I should really be in bed asleep right now because I have to be up for work in a few hours but I am just not tired at all and I really just do not feel like sleeping.
ahh sleep ...can be so over rated smile
You don't need to sleep it's just a myth
I registered for classes for Fall today and I am going to have a full load this fall. So it looks like my social life is pretty much going to be over for awhile. Hopefully I can stay sane by making some new friends on here that I can talk to in the fake internet world lol
Are you really moving to Des Moines? If so give me a few days and I might be able to come up with some apt info for you.