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I have evil intentions which are slowly transforming me into a strange wart covered lizard with a glass tongue. I'm not really sure how to deal with it. I can't talk to anybody without wanting to throw them on the ground and jump up and down on them until they break open so I can...
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House of leaves seems to be big in the discordian/chaote set.Well at least it is amongst my discordian and chaote friends.We once had a four hour discussion of the book in an aol chat which thoroughly perplexed half of the people in there.
I have to say your journal entries are bloody good and very entertaining
Yes, another exciting journal entry from the grand Vomica. Aren't you glad to be reading this?
I saw "day of the dead" last night. I always wondered if anybody would ever be so kind as to let one of the zombies use a gun...
I love it when people think that science is somehow different from religion. I like that for the same reason I...
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Amen. The most ridiculous thing about 90% of current scientific *theory* is that it is based on a linear mode which by its own logic is impossible. Rare to find someone who realizes this or even thinks about it. All ideas should be challenged no matter how plausible they seem. Euclidean geometry makes sense (as an example) but it doesn't apply to much that is concrete in nature. Whereas non euclidean geometry applies to fractals which make up our own physiology and indeed all of nature. Yet almost no mention is made of the implications fractal geometry and chaos theory. Reason being it threatens the fundamentalist old guard of science. This sort of closed circuit approach to science is as asinine.
favorite book: ...Principia Discordia...I should have known! hehe wink
This is my journal. I use it to store electronic messages which are transmitted into the fleshy part of your mind, redirecting your conciousness to enlsave itself to me. Every time you read this, another piece of you becomes mine. Therefore, you should read it again and again and again.
Um, people are pissing me off.
What I'm trying to tell you here is that...
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Hey, just make the party. Then you can thank me. Actually we were hoping to get the NC kids together for a bit of a pre-party. Seeing as how you guys are all in Raleigh, I was going to come up. Keep in touch.
Maybe Mr Carroll can design the propulsion system for you.Sorcerous technology being the hallmark of the new aeon and stuff...anywhoo if i start seeing sigils instead of journal entries...(insert random punchline)
This is a journal entry which you cannot see. If you are reading this, then you are defying physics. Good for you. Also, if you are reading this then your soul has already been transfered into a jar on my desk. Haha. So, what to say about the world today? Women are bothering me, but that's normal. Humanity is bothering me, but that's normal.
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i decoded it with my proton accelerator that my brother made out of dishwasher parts when he was four.

you'd think folks use their superpowers for intergallactic battles. nope. porn sites.
Erk. Feel...empty. Can I have my soul jar back please?
This is my second journal entry. It is much better than the previous one, and after reading it you will fall in love with me and send me very creepy letters such that I will seek a restraining order in your honor. That will be the shape of our romance.
In closing, I would like to say a few things about why I am not...
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Is Santa Claus still living at the North Poll? He quit responding quite some time ago and we haven't talked in ages. aurgh.
So what's up with seemingly nice girls not returning phonecalls? Really?

Anyhow you like Praxis and Masasda and Tom Waits and some other good stuff that I'm luckily too tired to list.... so why wouldn't a girl call you back?? Really?!!!!!
Okay, so this is me in a nutshell. You should read it, and then spit on it. I'm a guy who thinks too much. I should probably be a career philosopher except that philosophers starve worse than I want to. I'm also a musician, mostly on the piano. I practice until my neighbors go "eek!" I seem to have forgotten how to make friends and...
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I think its wonderful how you can find beauty in the things people dismiss as ugly.

That's a gift. Not many people can do that.
In an effort to make look more popular, I'm submitting a comment to myself. Wooha.
I am here, you are there. Somehow, we are everywhere. The world will soon be mine. Ha.