The problem with doing yard work in the morning and the evening (with a midday break), is that you have to decide if it's worth it to take a shower in the middle of the day AND at night, or to stink all day and then shower once.

In the meantime, I smell like grass and sweat. Maybe somebody will think that's hot.
Depends on the type of grass. tongue
I'd say I suck at keeping tabs here, but you're usually on the couch next to me. wink
I am almost done with all that work I had to do (almost, I know - I should finish), so that's good.

Also, I sang with the jazz combo for the first time (of many), tonight, and it was rad. I think I will enjoy this whole "singing jazz on Monday nights" gig.

It's summer, bitches!
I have so much to do, and so little time to do it all.

Tomorrow all of my report cards are due, with comments for each student on each subject. Bang. head. on. wall.

Tomorrow night I sing jazz for the first time ever, which should be exciting. Instead I'm just kind of a nervous wreck. I'm hoping that I'll have some time to practice...
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I am stuffy and itchy and tired and generally miserable. Allergies? Cold? Either way, I want a vacation.
Allergies are going to be really bad this year.
So, after singing at the school talent show thing a few weeks ago, I was told numerous times by various people that I have a great voice. Some of these people are musicians, even, so I was kind of overwhelmed. Many people asked if I sing anywhere else so they could come hear me. Me? Seriously?

I have always loved to sing, although I was...
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I always found Teddy Ruxpin a bit creepy.
That is so awesome! We'll have to go see you sing sometime. smile
All's I'm sayin' is that I better get a drink with an umbrella in it and some sand in my ass crack this summer.

I have earned it.
Just remember. Nobody likes a sandy vagina.

Not even John Travolta. wink
I guess misery is loving company, then. robot
Look, you guys!

That's totally me! Not embarrassing myself! Who knew?

EDITED: And also the haircut I mentioned a few posts ago.
I don't know! I think when you left the site before I was cleaning out a bunch of people who'd gone gray. Oh well. blush
I so desperately hope that somebody got video of us playing "Still Alive" last night because it was amazing, and I want to show it to everyone.

I also want to be in a band, now, except I can't play any instruments and I don't know how to write music or lyrics. Damn.
If I won a million dollars, I would like to think I'd pay off all my college loan debt and catch up on bills and maybe buy a house.

However, I think we all know I would blow it on booze and a maid.

I hate folding clothes and washing dishes.
Well, that is just down right selfish. tongue
Do I figure in there anywhere? frown

With a $million, I'm pretty sure you could pay off both of our debts and buy a house (and a motor home wink ) and still have plenty of cash left over for booze and French maids...
I got a haircut. 10 inches gone.

Usually I would freak out, but I think it looks pretty rad. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it never is, so I really don't ever expect it to be. Every time I ask for my hair cut a certain way, it always ends up the way it is right now. It's starting to become so normal...
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So where is a pic of this new cut? smile
It grows back. tongue