Day. Rain. Family. Drugs. Sex. Twilight. Maple, Scorched leaves. Hacked bushes. Mistaken. Alone. Others alone. Profile, avatar, status. Books, magazines, epub, vampires. Games, movies, others.

Just some random thoughts.
There have been a few boobs I've met I didn't like but never any titties.

I saw a thumbnail of some fat, bald guy. I thought to myself, 'that looks like my father.' It turned out to be Boss Hogg. I felt sorry for Boss Hogg.
My father follows me on Twitter, friended me on Facebook. This is the only safe place to post that.

Just noticed that Category window below. I have no idea what it is. It...
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Thanks for commenting on my blog about novel writing and screenwriting.

I'm going to try my hand at writing a novel. I feel that, in novel writing, I'll be more free to write what I want. I won't have to follow Syd Field's screenplay paradigm, which demands I have a major plot twist near page 30 and another near page 60. The paradigm is also referred to as the "Three Act Structure."

What's disturbing (at least to me) is that the Three Act Structure is being prescribed as a method for writing works other than screenplays, such as TV scripts, and even novels. As applied to TV scripts the idea is baffling, since teleplays usually have four acts (the act breaks being where you fit in the commercials). If you can figure out how a script with four acts can have a three act structure, well mister you're a better man than I.

I'm not saying that a novel shouldn't have a structure. Even an experimental novel like James Joyce's "Ulysses" has a structure. It doesn't have a three act structure, but it has a structure.

My problem with Syd Field is that he goes beyond prescribing structure. Anyone who tells you where your major plot twists have to go is dictating content. He is telling you how to plot your story, and what is plot if not content?

I just hope the publishing world is more open to individuality than the film world, with its one-size--fits-all approach to script writing. But, with the infiltration of the Syd Field screenwriting b.s. into other fields, I have my doubts.

My membership lapsed a week or two ago. My billing info must have changed for I thought renewal was automatic. I got an email from SG saying I cancelled my subscription. Huh. I didn't care much, I had considered canceling it anyways. Last night I got an email asking me to come back. I was informed of all the new sets just added in the...
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Happy birthday!! smile
Sorry I haven't checked in with you in a while. Glad you re-upped.

What have you been up to? Done any writing?
it's hard to live up to strangers beautiful color

some people always finish last still I ended up a badass

- Kacy Crowley, "Badass"
A nurse at the hospital I work at posted on Facebook about an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) related incident she had, she being the one with MS. Having a reaction to a steroid she was prescribed; an exacerabation, hospitalized, collapsing into a coma, being revived, walking a few steps with a walker, then a cane, and finally on her own. Now, NOW, that she is under...
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Had a dream yesterday. It was about a girl. A redheaded, plain beauty from a troubled past (in the vein of white trash than anything she had caused herself). She lived in Georgia, I think outside of Atlanta. Name began with a J. She lived in a bad neighborhood, less than favorable conditions with her daughter, Degennah. She worked hard and was a good mother...
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Listening to Meat Loaf's Bad Attitude. Though it's from the early 80s, reminds me of high school. Got it shortly after Bat Out of Hell 2 came out. Sex, drugs, rock n' roll... makes me wish my teenage years were that interesting

2nd that. Anyway it was a 20' 2Ghz iMac I was looking at. I don't know. a lot needs to change before I can afford it. that applies to female also.blackeyed
Anyone on a PS3?

PSN look me up: jasonmwa

You can also look me up on Words With Friends, same username

What is UP!!
PS3? ..i never got PS1...HAAAA!!!smile
I heard that the PS3 has an awesome processor which offers capabilities for people in like NASA and shit running them together somehow with linux. Curious if I should look into it for workflow power, shooting digital and stuff... given I can't afford to even get an old iMac off eBay for $500. Don't know if I can run Aperture or Adobe Lightroom on Linux but I know people do it with a program called Bibble. Any thoughts? an whatsup with the ladies, eh?
Nothing like getting fucked up and watching Howard the Duck

Hahaha what a combo
Anyone else find Dirty Vegas' "Days Go By" music video ethereally moving?

Man, alternate realities suck. Especially when you seem to be the only person there.

Also, check out this funny Doctor Who group on livejournal: http://community.livejournal.com/ihasatardis/
Thanks for the love on my net set!! <3 <3
Having a hard go at existing at the moment. Is anyone out there?

*raises hand*