Holy Shit... I must be gettin old.. Run 1.5 miles in under 15 min, do 40 push-ups in 1 min and 45 sit-ups in 1 min. This was my fitness test for the USAF.. Now it used to be NO problem..wake up the next day refreshed and ready to go..
NOW I still feel it and it has been 4 days ago. frown But that's what...
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thank you very much for the comment on my new set.
I really appreciate it
have fun
I just drove a marathon trip of 1215 miles. I started at 10am saturday and finished at 830am on sunday. I drove from East Texas to just the other side of Pensacola, Florida. I drove over there to drop my daughter off at a friend's house. I stayed to visit for about 2 hours then drove back home..

Although I did get to see some...
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4th of July was great. I spent it with a bunch of friends and family. Blowin shit up and blastin rockets we all had a great time. I drank way to much but who cares I didn't have to work on Saturday. What a great 4th!! smile
Thank you so much for your support on Why the Caged Bird Sings. I really appreciate it!
Thank you!
I would like to thank the Suicide Girls who attended the All American Tattoo Fest in Sacramento, Ca over Father's Day weekend 2008. Their presence was well received and very welcome. I would especially like to thank a select few in no particular order: Dino, Jaylin, Odette, Dang and Mika for signing this old perverts SG book #2...LOL
It was an honor and...
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