Molly Ringwalds Red Hair and Staying busy.

Well it's finally official, I am leaving June 1 and flying to Vancouver to join the Sapphire Princess for 6 months as the Production Manager 1 which is freaking awesome. I finally got the job I had wanted all along with them after they jerked me around for so long. Anyways I requested if I could join the...
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Back from my trip, the Queen Mary 2 was amazing I'm really glad I got to work on her. I flew to San Francisco and joined the ship there then off we went to Honolulu then to Pago Pago, America Samoa then to Auckland, New Zealand then to Sydney Australia then to Hong Kong. I flew out of Hong Kong to Frankfurt, Germany. I don't...
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Born July 31, 1923 in Istanbul, Turkey Ahmet Ertegun is not a name that you would think of when it comes to music history. The son of the Turkish Ambassador to the United States he would go on to found, with his brother, Atlantic Records and become one of the most influential figures in music almost sculpting the American musical landscape with his bare hands....
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Very interesting! I had not heard that he died last Thursday! Of course, I've been getting all my news from Yahoo headlines, so I miss a lot of stuff.
Probably a couple of weeks before I get back to the dance. See youall then!
actually I did NOT know that, thanks smile Too bad I dont live in germany frown
Anyone have any ideas about what I should write about? I am trying to decide on who or what to write about in regards to music/Jazz history. Lemme know your suggestions.
I'm fascinated by Fletcher Henderson, in his own right and also the connection with so many jazz greats: Armstrong, Hawkins, and esp. Benny Goodman. I don't think people know that much about him.

1. Would you be in control?

2. Would you let me pull your hair?

3. Would you whisper in my ear?

4. Would you talk dirty to me?

5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue?

6. Would you say my name?

7. Would you go down on me?

8. Spit or swallow?

9. How many rounds would we...
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Edward Kennedy Ellington was born in Washington, D.C. on April 29 1899. His name was a combination of his fathers, James Edward and his mothers, Daisy Kennedy. The title of "Duke" was given to him as a young man and it was with this nickname that he developed the persona of elegance and smoothness that he presented the rest of his life, particularly when it...
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link fixed...
Prejudice the horrible condition that has existed as the bane of humanity since the beginning of time. Prejudice is defined as An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. We are all guilty of it in some form or another regardless of if we admit it or not. The nature of the human condition is to fear change...
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Once again, I love what you've written here. To me it seems that the history of Jazz, or even American Popular music, without meeting the question of race head on. It's about the evolution from the "Coon Songs" of the Ragtime era to the highest artistic expressions in American music. I was bothered by this in the movie Chicago. There were a few racial anachronisms I just couldn't get around. It's like the whole issue was glossed over.

Anyway, keep swinging. I'll probably see you Thursday at the Fine Arts Center.
In my first blog about the origin of the word Jazz I discussed how the term for the music came about. I find it only fitting to talk about how Jazz music as we know it today came about and the only way to do so is to go back to one man, Louis Armstrong.

Louis Daniel Armstrong was born a poor child in the...
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This is an excellent article! I could definitely see you and Paul doing specials like this, with music clips etc. I just find this subject so fascinating.

Probl. see you tomorrow night!
The word Jazz has a veil of mystery around it. Ask anyone what Jazz is and they can tell you about the music and describe how it's played or some of their favorite musicians but the actually origin of the word itself is a bit of a mystery. Some research has suggested that it traces to African roots in some native launguage of former slaves...
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Great post!

There's also the whole business about where "Jelly Roll" got his name! biggrin
i'm glad you liked my set.!
it means a lot.