I decided after my breakup last week that I would reinvent myself. It's only been 2 days, but I already feel different. I've focused more on nutrition and working out. I've been playing a lot of hockey lately, so that helps. But over the course of yesterday and today, my normal cravings for fast food have been nil. Zero. Zilch. Nada. This has never happened...
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didnt mean to press enter  ...sorry:/..walked (eventually jogged) 2 miles every morning and every evening...completely reinvente3d myself, I am sure he is sorry now:) Give yourself that satisfaction, stick to your goal, you can do it, i did
Thank you for sharing and on your success. I've had a pretty good week at sticking to things. Looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. I usually crave fast food when I'm out and about. I haven't craved it at all this week. 

...I guess.

Was with a girl for 14 months. I let my subscription run out, because this kind of stuff made her uncomfortable. Well, it turns out that we just were not on the same page about the future. For me, I want that family unit. I want to get married. I want to have kid(s) at some point. At 35, I'm not getting any...
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Beard is incredibly soft tonight. Thank you beard conditioner and shampoo.

And to a lot of beer for helping me with this enlightening blog post.

Good night SG.com.


The Lego Movie is awesome. Saw it in 3D last night. The main song will be stuck in your head for a bit, but it's worth it. It's too bad the Lego store was closed when the movie was over, I was ready to spend some cash!


The worst storm ever is here... until the next...worst storm ever.

Kind of excited. Found a The Art of Shaving shop with a barber in it at Easton Town Center. Going in Saturday for a beard trim. Recently getting more into the "beard culture", I've been following guys like Ricki Hall and Chris Millington. Checking out the professional shops in London that specialize in shaving...
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Spent the week in the Caribbean on 70,000 Tons of Metal. While the line up was far from stellar, it was a blast just hanging out with friends that you only get to see maybe once a year. That makes it all worth it. Unfortunately, winter did not take a vacation and was still going on here in Ohio. I think I'm just going to...
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Ah... at around 9 am EST tomorrow morning, I'm on my way to Miami, Florida. Can't wait. Two days in Miami, then it's onto 70,000 Tons of Metal. 1 week in the Caribbean with 40 heavy metal bands and some of my best friends.

This is exactly what the doctor ordered.


Science has shown that beards catch allergens and stuff to prevent illness. Well...


I'm leaving for the Caribbean in 9 days to be on 70,000 Tons of Metal, then you let some bug (flu, bronchitus, pneumonia, bubonic plague) get entrance to the bar? I'm hiring new bouncers.

Get me Osmosis Jones. STAT!


I'm pretty sure I'm going to take up the guitar. No, I'm sure I am. We'll see how successful I am at it. I don't have any delusions of grandeur. I most likely will never join a band, or anything of that nature, but man, it would be cool just to hook up a small amp and just play at home. Lately, I've fallen completely...
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Ever feel like the bottom was going to fall out? I have no basis for this feeling, but ever since yesterday, it just feels like something is coming. Everything on the surface seems to be ok. Family, friends, girlfriend, job, the interview I just had for a new job. I can't put my finger on it. It's not a feeling of dread, just an uneasiness....
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