I got myself a birthday present today.

A Roland tdk9xs electronic drumkit, yeah woot (at least for the music hardware geeks who care). Been wanting one for simply ages as I like being able to mess with the sounds and customise what I can do. It means I can practice at a full kit without pissing off the neighbours and it will make things much...
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Oh that is a great stuff biggrin Happy Bday biggrin
Well it's mah birfday today.

Had some drinks with mates at mine last night then went out later on. Being sung happy birthday in the middle of a night club is a slightly surreal experience. Where I live all the clubs are basically clones of eachother, playing practically the same music and the idea of a club for alternative music/people/whatever is a completely alien idea....
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Happy Birthday dude! & I know what you mean about shit clubs! We have an awesome club here in Melbourne that plays 'our' sort of good music...it's the only club I really go to loltongue
Happy Bday!! Or in Polish "STO LAT!" wink
Serpent of light, movement of the soul
Crawling stately along the spine
Mighty phoenix, from the ashes arises
Firebird cycle, life, regenerate the cell

Life burns fierce, reduced to ashes
Resurrection from the flame, ageless process
Quest for absolution, out of bounds introspect
Self-consuming womb, ever-present, meet no end

It seems like I always knew this
Since I'm a child I can feel it
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Somewhere between an excuse and a lie
You found something that you believe
So proud, I guess I can't imagine why
Three cheers for what we used to be

Lamb of God- Pathetic

I'm feeling suprisingly good today, despite my angry choice of lyrics to post that kind of feel to sum up my ex to me at the moment. A nice female aquaintance last...
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Oh! That is soooooooo sweet! About a niece of course smile
Yeah no problem. (:

Your niece sounds adorable. I'll have a nephew in a matter of weeks! I'm so excited. I'll make sure he's the coolest kid ever.
I'm lonely and abandoned
Washed up, left for dead
I'm lost inside the desert
Of every word you said

Like a nuclear reactor
I'm thinking about the times
When you lied to me

All the innuendo
Caught up on your hook
I was just a name
In your little black book

Ah, I'll get even with you

I'm bitter and I'm twisted
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What do you do with yourself?
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Went out last night with some friends. Haven't been that drunk in a while let me tell you. A couple of jugs of beer down and here we are talking shit with a marine from the US. Not entirely sure where and when he arrived, I went to the bathroom and there he is. No biggy, cool guy that amazed us with a war story...
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Hey, sorry for taking so long to get back to you on the friend request. Nice to meet you!
Not much to report to anyone after almost a week....work sucked, not really feeling myself, weekend was fun though. Went to see Transformers 2 (One of the best movie sequals ever), went out afterwards to the clubs for a while then went to friends' place and watched Invader Zim until the wee hours.

I have a new favourite quote:

"Oh that hurt"
"Of course if...
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A lot of reasons.
Happy news after the weekend.

My mate Dan got engaged to his girlfriend, woot!! Despite her moving back to the US to finish her Uni degree, Dan popped the question when we were all out to dinner with very obvious results. Now I've got me a kick-arse holiday to the US to plan to take him to see his lovely bride to be and so...
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Been thinking to myself about a few things lately (OMG, wtf mate...you can't be serious)...

I've had a few friends talk to me, a few mates at work and generally ranting out loud to be able to get things straight in my head and I've been questioning my reasons for moving. While it is true that I deffinately want a new place, more then likely...
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That is a great point!
This one is hot pink.
I love it..but I think it's offputting to most other people. smile
So, another day off an eventful it shall be...well, at two points in the day at least. Been looking for a new place and have lined up two inspections this afternoon. Missed out on the one I really wanted which was really close to where I am now and was fully furnished (checked my email two hours too late it seems) but these other ones...
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having to explain australian colloquialism to the world awesome.
house hunting blows im loathing dealing with real estates at the moment sucks ass.
good luck in finding/getting a place you actually like
I'm feeling much happier then I have been the last couple of days.

Got the weekend off and am enjoying the morning to myself. Got a reasonably busy weekend of mostly hanging out with mates. Speaking of which, I have patched things up with a friend of mine who I'd had a bit of a disagreement with and now things are kind of cool between...
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kiss kiss kiss kiss