Friday, 2 October

- Skip work [SUCCESS!]
- 6 Hour Tattoo Session [SUCCESS!]
- Nipple Piercings [SUCCESS!]
- Zombieland [SUCCESS!]
- Drink excessively [SUCCESS!]

Saturday, 3 October

- Show piercings off to Balch and all the random drunk thuglets at IHOP [SUCCESS!]
- Kill zombies with Balch 'til noon [SUCCESS!]
- Move BooBoo & D-Wreck into their new apartment [SUCCESS!]
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ouch 6 hours! But I bet it looks awesome.
Double ouch nipple piercings.
I've given Tom a deadline of 12 months to finish my Goblin wings.

He's confident he'll find the time.

To emphasize the point, this Friday I'll be going in for my second 6-hour sitting in a 12-day timespan. Hopefully - key word there - this'll see me finished with my upper back. We'll be roughly 70 hours into the tattoo by then. I was hoping...
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your wings are going to be so rad and red is a good color for you it matches your hair
"Some men wear their heart on their sleeve. Me? I wear my conviction."

I'm a fairly introverted person in real life.

While I have the tendency to be loud-mouthed, I rarely - if ever - discuss my personal life in public. Never tell folks what it is I do for money. Don't talk "shop" 'round my friends 'n family. Don't discuss my private affairs with...
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HI *waves*
I totally get the hate hate thing with the tattoo
anything covered with the universal symbol for no is pretty self explanatory I think
I would love to get any laser surgery on my eyes but my eyes happen to be football shaped (thanks dad) and they won't do it on me in fear that in 10 years if I need a touch up there won't be much to burn off. An implant would be nice but they only do that for cataraxts patients
One of my Thru-hiking buddies, BooBoo, recently finished a hike of the Pacific Crest Trail with her beau, D-Wreck.

Well, BooBoo calls me up to say she's finally moved to the good 'ol Dominion. Having naught but 3 moderately-sized boxes 'o hiker swag and a sleeping bag to her name, the little girlie was bored outta her mind. So, we decided to attempt one of...
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wow I am tired just reading that
Seriously now, I need time to stand still for about a week, so I can get my shit together.

Life just doesn't slow down... ever. I feel like I'm owed one.

Besides, if the rest of ya'll were frozen in-place, I'd so be pervy and undress people.
hmmm I'd do that too
Wow - you are brave! I don't think I would be able to hack lazer beams in my eyes! I totally get fed up with wearing my glasses and contact lenses - when I used to go to the gym, my glasses would slide off - so I'd have to work out in a blurry world.

As a side note - I adore the colour of your hair!
docotrs won't touch my eyeballs with a laser either and never mentioned any other surgery. I'm just stuck with glasses
that would be gross
I am too lazy to look that up so what is the surgery for?

So in about 10 more hours of ink my artist, Tom, will finally begin outlining my lower flight feathers.

WTF, lovehandles? Seriously now.

Why the Hell am I sitting at 8% body fat and still have them little squish things on my sides?

... little bastards.

So, the question becomes whether or not I give a shit, and try'n vary my workout routine to...
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wowo that is some awesome work
Last week I worked an average 12 hours/day Monday-through-Thursday. I did this in order to play hooky and make meself a little four-day weekend. Then, I developed a mysterious illness sometime between Thursday evening and Friday morning... and again Monday morning.

Totally not obvious.


I somehow managed to convince Jessie to take a weekend off from studying and hop on a plane. She lives...
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well that girl is pretty attractive, so i see he dilemma