summer session is officially OVER! time for fall, then a spring. it's nice to feel like i'm accomplishing something again. and i'm looking forward to using my overpriced piece of paper to get a new fucking job. like, it's getting SO ridiculous where i am right now and i just really, really hate it.

onward and upward!
so... i got this cute llil lelo handheld.

30 seconds with the damn thing and i don't think i'm going to be able to leave my house ever again.
ugh- ONE MORE WEEK in this class and i'm DONE... until fall starts. being back in school is different this time- i guess it's true that you're not going to finish unless you're ready. and it's a lot nicer knowing for certain that i've got TWO SEMESTERS left until i have my bachelor's. i'll have to get my master's if i want to teach, but...
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school started- time to knock this bitch out once and for all. i really love online classes... definitely helpful in the whole working full time/going to school full time bit.

working out has subsided, but eating better has stuck, so i'm still losing weight. slowly, but i got on the scale and weighed the same as i did last week. not a big deal? it...
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Hope you kick some school ass lady! Keep to the diet and you will get results! Have you joined the weight loss and nutrition group here on SG? It's a great crutch!

i think i am a member on there, but i never post in it anymore- i'll definitely start again though, it's really nice to have somewhere to go talk to other people trying to do the same things you are smile!
3 days of straight working out under my belt. not a HUGE accomplishment, but i'll celebrate it nonetheless. trying to see how long i can maintain being this sore... alternating brazil butt lift and pilates, along with a 10 minute mel b workout (abs on non-pilates days, arms on alternate days...).

bought some oiudad for my hurr. time to see how long i can leave...
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i'm just really annoyed.

kind of was looking forward to getting to know this guy. then i friend him on facebook and all he talks about is how girls only want dudes that treat them like shit and that he doesn't understand why nice guys finish last...

...isn't that what YOU are doing, sir?

i can totally relate, because i've definitely been captain of *that*...
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starting brazilian butt lift dvd series tomorrow. hopefully i can stick with it. i'm pretty over zumba at this point. not challenging enough and i'm not getting the results i want doing just that. i miss kickboxng soooooooo much frown.
i saw the commercial for that it sounds hilarious at least!
living and laughing for the most part. wedding's next weekend and i'm way excited. bitched out and didn't get a giant tattoo last weekend, which made me feel really bad since it had been drawn up for me...

...tried to say hello to a certain costco employee and froze. i tried to smile and see if that would open up a dialogue, but he just...
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and the wedding countdown begins...

...not mine, but my best friend. this little lady right here is maid of honor. we're down to the wire and the next few weeks are going to be full of intense crafting and planning. got a hot ass dress (though not as hot as i'd like...) and therefore need a hot(ter) ass body to go with it. sooooooo- bring...
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finally finished the sugar skull- pics will come when i don't feel fat, hahahaha.

had cracker barrel for the first time, which was absolutely glorious. AND the work only cost $100 instead of the $150 that i was originally quoted. i'll be getting my work dome at fast lane tattoo from now on because jim is amazingly talented...
new year, new year. i'm excited. started off by not buying one frozen dinner (though i *did* buy some frozen veggies...). mama's gonna be coookin cookin from now on. working out more too. maid of honor at the best friend's wedding has to look good smile!

to new beginnings/happy healthy times.
ah, christmas. very excited- pics with the blended family (blood siblings, new ones...), breakfast burritos by dad, then off to mommy's with my baby to celebrate some more.

makin some of my famous gingerbread waffles for breakfast. love cooking for other people, especially when they like the end result smile.

happy holidays to you all and yours smile.