I got the apartment I wanted!

As of September 5, I will be living in Crossings Village in Westlake, OH. I have a beautiful 2-bedroom 2-bath with a balcony and fireplace. I will post pictures as soon as I get everything set up!

Can't wait to have a housewarming!

facebook stalkers are awsm.

i've got one myself. it's really fun, logging into your account and having THIS in your inbox:

"Did you delete my funny comment? I am wondering why I never hear from you - even a short message or a reply to a comment would be nifty.

However, if my overtures towards friendship are not at all interesting, just let me know....
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I am about to rip my body apart piece by piece.

I am so goddamn sick of having FM. I'm sick of a different part of my body hurting every day. I always smell like a medicine cabinet these days because of all the aspercreme and icyhot. FUCK. I swear. If one more thing breaks, I'm done with all of it.

It's NOT SEXY. tongue

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FM? What is that?
Fibromyalgia. From various sources:

"The defining symptoms of fibromyalgia are chronic, widespread pain, fatigue, and heightened pain in response to pressure (allodynia). Other symptoms may include tingling of the skin, prolonged muscle spasms, weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, functional bowel disturbances, and chronic sleep disturbances.

Many patients experience cognitive dysfunction (known as "brain fog" or "fibrofog"), which may be characterized by impaired concentration, problems with short and long-term memory, short-term memory consolidation, impaired speed of performance, inability to multi-task, cognitive overload, diminished attention span, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

Other symptoms often attributed to fibromyalgia that may possibly be due to a comorbid disorder include myofascial pain syndrome also referred to as Chronic Myofascial Pain...genitourinary symptoms and interstitial cystitis, dermatological disorders, headaches, myoclonic twitches, and symptomatic hypoglycemia. Although fibromyalgia is classified based on the presence of chronic widespread pain, pain may also be localized in areas such as the shoulders, neck, low back, hips, or other areas."

In short, my body hates itself and there's really no effective treatment other than treating the SYMPTOMS, which is pretty much useless when it's a new symptom every day. I deal with it as best I can, but it's quite difficult on days like this when it's an extreme temperature.

I promise I don't usually whine so much. smile
I *really* do not want to go to work tomorrow. I just got used to being unemployed and able to sleep whenever. I know I shouldn't complain, because there are probably about ten squillion people who would kill for my job right now. It's not the WORK that bothers me. It's the getting UP for work. There is a difference.

I wish I had some...
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I am now in Cleveland. I hope this will not be my permanent home. But in the meanwhile, I would like some new friends.

I've joined a couple Ohio/Cleveland groups here but I would like it if people would just find me. I have no idea how to make friends anymore. Is that weird? In high school you just fell into groups. Now it's an...
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I was curious who was on here from Cleveland and I found you.

I hope you find a place sooner than later! I couldn't fathom moving backing in with either parent.

I'm on AIM if you want to chat some more: petethelefty

Ooh, well then! my SN is sheglowedonce14. please feel free to IM - but if i don't reply don't take it personally - i'm away a LOT. smile
holy fuckballs, it's been a long time.

getting ready to move back to cleveland after living in los angeles for two years. it's just a lot of things combined. i miss brian. i miss my parents. i miss my dog.

i am looking forward to a new chapter in my life.

also, i've missed y'all, but i'll try to be around more now that life...
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It really is amazing how going out on a date with a REAL man can make you realize what a shithead you've been putting up with for so long.

I went out with a man named Richard last night. I met him on Valentine's Day at ClubSuicide, and really didn't think he would actually call, because guys so often say they will and then they...
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The cleansing has begun!!! As ritual cleasing goes on in the Ganges, it sounds like u have begun the spiritual cleansing that will enabl you to move on with confidence to the best that is yet to come! I'm proud of ya!

Good for you. smile
i am so tired of being in pain over him. i have so, so many nice, sweet, HOT boys who want to date me, love me, spoil me, be with me, and all i want is the jerk who works in my soon-to-be-former-office who treats me like shit most of the time but has me hanging by a word or a smile or a wink...
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They say that if you love someone you should let them go, but they never say what to do when they dont come back.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.
- Anonymous

can't sleep. can't sleep for the second day in a row.

migraine city, and still can't sleep.

need sleep. need sleep so badly. pills aren't working.

watch me fall asleep at work tomorrow. tongue

I hope you get the sleep you need.
This guy has come up with a clever way to fall asleep at work....

Hope u get to the bottom of what is causing ur insomnia.

I had a blast last night. Mostly.

I met a very nice boy named Mike who I've been talking to here for quite some time. Aside from asking me back to his place within 2 minutes of meeting (*LOL*) he's super super sweet and I'm pretty sure I've just made a very good friend.

I also danced with a boy named Richard, and we exchanged...
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good luck with the crushes. good guys are hard to come by these days!
as far as the jerk goes..i hope you can resist texting back next time. i have the same bad habit of doing things that i know aren't good for me.

i dont know if youre into quotes, but i was reading last night and this seems to fit:

"finish everyday and be done with it. you have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can. tomorrow is a new day. you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ugh. I did NOT ask you back to my place!!! tongue biggrin You're too funny.

I want to be one of your crushes. I think you're adorable.
House said it best...Everybody lies.
And everybody hurts.

I'm sorry, I had no idea. I apologize if I pushed too hard.