Things are still a little tough with my life right now. My boss at the coffee shop is trying to get me to quit for a number of reasons. Some think I should turn her in for discrimanation, but its just not worth it to me. The doggy daycare is closing down and I have a choice of moving to a location that is no...
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I'de officially like to scratch number one on my news years resolution and make it this instead:
1. I want to understand the person I love, and still manage to be my own individual.

The man I fell in love with four years ago happened to find a date and sleep with her. We were currently on the no-dating status but were still sleeping together....
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New years resolution:

1. Try and get a girl friend kiss

2. Go back to college for my Associates shocked

3. Keep a job for more than one year ARRR!!!

4. Get past my shyness when meeting other people puke
oh you sweetie pie!!! kiss (psst that kiss involves tongue by the way) smile
Thats list looks SO much like mine. tongue
I've decided that some how I'm going to approach Asia. Slowly but surely I'll get her to stop being shy. Some how, if I can move past my shyness it just might work.
its hard to get past shyness sometimes.. my solution is to just do it. i hate making the first move but usually the other person wont do it so i end up doing it so i just do it

good luck
welcome to sgAR!!
I don't know whats wrong with me. I need to stop sleeping with my ex but yet I keep running back for more. I don't want to hurt him again. I don't know if its for the penatration, pentration into to my god damn fear of being alone. I love him but I don't wnat to get back into a relationship with him. We keep...
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Stop the sexin honey bunch!
Today at the coffee shop a photographer was hanging up his work. My boss likes to get artist to put up there stuff, like most coffee shops. I was complimenting him when he asked to photograph me. I was completely taken by surprise. He said he loved my sense of style. Apparently he doesn't take photos of people that often. I can't help but feel...
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New years eve kind of sucked. I ended up with a horrible headache that lasted until about four in the morning. I made the mistake of signing up for 6A.M. shift at the doggy daycare but ended up calling into work. I started running a fever in the middle of the night and couldn't stop coughing. It was quite a time I tell ya'. I've...
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Its Christmas and I didn't get much but I could care less. All I care about is the kids in my family gettting gifts, espessially my neice and nephew and baby sister. Those three don't have rich parents so I'm glad my siblings went out of there way this year for em'. I come from a family of seven with parents who didn't graduate from...
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You are a beautiful person. It is rather brave to believe in the impossible.
Upon realizing that myso called crush was an obsessive psycho I've suddenly lost all interest and am instead avoiding her. Shes been texting her ex horrible shit to make her feel bad and I think that for someone her age she should know better. She talks about carma....yeah.

I work at a coffee shop and have a girl who comes in that I'm incredibly shy...
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Of late I've been completely exhausted. I have a huge crush on my co-worker, Dana. She is an amazing woman and I wish she didn't give to figs about her ex, but she does. All I want to do is ask her out on a date but I know it would probably be a bad idea at this point. I never thought I would like...
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Recently I had te worst day of my life or could possibly be the worst day of my life. I made some mistakes in my life that I wish I could take back, but unfortunatly I have to live with the consquences. Tomorrow I get to have a 14 hour day, that should be interesting but hopfully get my mind of things. I probably won't...
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Regret is a wasted emotion. Live, learn, move on.
"That's all I have to say about that."