Uggguuuu.........back on the day shift. Getting my sleep cycle realigned is not fun. Been having strange dreams, would be impossible to explain (well it would take a long time and I am lazy), but I will say this, they have been 8-bit dreams. That is very disorentating when you wake up and everything is in real live non-pixelated glory.
grrr, I loath snow. mad
Now, I don't generally like to use this area to whine, complain, and otherwise release agnst. But I see this as an active record of my thoughts and I would be lying to myself if I omitted it, plus its just one of those days. Normally I enjoy my solitude, normally I don't want people around me, they usually end up just bothering me, normally...
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Alcohol is compelling me to share this... So sorry in advance.

I sort of feel you on this... This is pretty much how my days play themselves out, on a regular basis, pretty much. I can't say the same for the dream, as mine are equally weird, if not more so, but different...

A while back, I actually made an effort to try to be more outgoing and "social", to get out there and "do things". Clubs. Parties. All sorts of shit. It seemed like a smart thing to do at the time...

Conclusion? It's not worth it. It's hard work being that damn shallow and superficial... Your situation seems to be the same as my situation, and I'm cool with things as they are for the time being.

Gotta love the internet though...
How does one (namely me) compliment a girl, a cowroker (fellow cashier), and let her know that I find her incredibly beautiful without leading her to believe I am interested in dating or somesuch nonsense?
Just tell her. Let her know that she's really pretty. Even if she has people telling her likewise all the time, it never hurts to get compliments. Let her know that you're not trying to be "that guy"... That's just how it is, I guess. She probably won't believe you, but at least you won't have that weird feeling as you walk away later...

Who knows, maybe she thinks the same thing about you... Never know until you ask.

Wow, that was very hippie-let's-all-get-along-ish of me. Sorry about that.
I went out for a new suit coat and managed to get the coat, a shirt, matching pants, a tie, and some new shoes for a mere $220. I am a sexy bitch in my new suit.
Awww yeah. I wish I could sport suits every day. That would be so outstanding. Preferably, weird old suits (a la Crispin Glover in "Willard") or fuzzy purple/pink pimp suits, leisure suits, whatever...

Hell yes. That would be so ridiculous...

You should take a pic of yourself sporting the new suit. Doing something retarded. Hugging a cop, or a tree, or a homeless man with a bag of white powdered doughnuts.

I'm so out of it right now, don't mind me... See ya.
I got a phone call the other day, it was a friend I hadn't talked to in a while. He need help on homework I have never seen in a class I haven't taken, and this is over the phone. So I reason it out and give him what I believe is the answer. I get another call today from him letting me know that...
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Don't you just love that feeling?
New term started today, and boy is it going to be a bitch. In the first 1/2 week my OS class has 2 assignments 4 discussions and 2 quizzes due by sunday, and thats just one of my classes frown . On a happier note they are going to let me test out of the math classes that didn't transfer, so my previous ones arn't a...
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Oh happy day, I have been scheduled for overnight shifts this week, my schedule needed to be completly screwed up, it was getting too regular. puke

On a happier note, Anansi Boys (Neil Gaiman's new book) totaly kicked ass. I loved every word of it, expecially the bit about the lime. Although finishing that now leaves me with nothing to read, off to the bookstore I...
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hi my little cute lovely boy kiss kiss kiss can i say you TOTALLY KICKED SOME MAJOR SCHOOL ASS WHOA! overnite shifts? how awesome would it be if i worked there overnite with you? lol i WISH. i always wanted to work there. i love the fact you love to read, and you like classical music, i find it to be refreshing. im reading 2 books rite now. any good ones i should read?
hey lets do our coffee thing and the bookstore together, wana do that?
i think i have to work all weekend though. i will fill you in with my schedule and you fill me in with yours lol
smile cuz your a cutie pie and i think your adoreable kiss biggrin
talk soon k?
Sing us a song, you're the piano man, sing us a song tonight. Well, we're all in the mood for a melody and you got us feeling alright.
you will find the store and visit me and we will have lunch and it will be fun times kiss

<3 smooooooooooooch

ok strike that reverse it LOL
but if i come there i have to buy a buddha, its like an obsession. i even have giant buddha potters in my front yard lmao
but i suppppppppppppppppose its worth it wink
kiss thanks for that letter it was truely cuteness and i loved it biggrin

Everyone keeps telling me I have the fashion sense of an Old Man, I am not sure if i should be insulted or flattered?
we are so gonna get our play on LOL biggrin kiss
gawd someone else needs to post in here so i dont look like a lame ass but ah well wink
i wana talk, cmere wink biggrin

<3 kiss ang