You smile. You laugh. You're funny and fun. People like you. People enjoy having you around. You make jokes. You make people laugh. You're a good person. At home you drink. You smoke. You remember things past. You hurt. You cry. You wish to forget. You wish for happiness you think you don't deserve. Then you leave the house. You smile. You laugh. People like...
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Pain, hurt, longing, sadness, sleeplessness, too much for some one to bear it seems. Yet it happens non the less. You feel as if love will never come again; you constantly hurt physically and emotionally. You act normal through your day; happy even. Mostly it's all a clever deception accepted by everyone. Your the nice, funny, and friendly person they all like to have around...
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That's how I feel everyday too. Hope keeps you going but is it just a fool's hope or really a light at the end of the tunnel?

I don't know if it's just that my last relationship lasted six years so now I'm really rusty, things are just super different then they used to be, I'm just really terrible at it, some other factor, or all the above. It has been tough though what ever the reason my be. I also seem to have a bad luck with being attractive to woman...
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Just keep looking! 

What I have learned is simply this, life likes to knock you down and sometimes kick you while you're down and this is because life is a dick. So like all dicks we must just learn to live with it.


This one is my absolute favorite.

These are really good too!!!!

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We are just a bunch of dirty minded people haha


I absolutely love to cook breakfast foods. So I'd though I'd share my latest. Eggs, cheese, potatoes, bacon, salt, and pepper stuffed in crescent dough.

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Please take a peek and show your love and support on the sets of these two beautiful and absolutely wonderful hopefuls.!!!



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Love and miss you too! Tell the peeps and Julio I say hi. 
I definitely will, and I hope Hawai'i and all its sunshine is treating right <3 xx

Still feeling like shit congested, coughing, and a migraine. So lame. So I guess I'll just ramble away to those who care to read. Living in Hawaii has been great. I am going to relearn how to skate on a long board, I already bought one and it's beautiful, maybe I'll post pics. I also plan on learning to surf. Still haven't been able to...
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Feel better. It sounds like you've got some exciting plans on the horizon. I've grown up in southern California but have never gotten on a surfboard before. I hope you'll share bow that goes!
Thank you very much and I'll be sure to post my progress. I grew up in central cali, in the valley, myself. @soraleia

I absolutely love it here!! Much more then I expected. I've gotten to see a lot of the island already and thought I'd share some with you lovely peeps!!

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