Workin on formatting some pics. I have none of my pictures since ex took the computer. Anyway, I'm working on it. Snowed in again but sis and I have been keeping up with the workouts so that's all I really care about. Work will be there when I get to go
back. Lovin this unexpected vacation!
Wow, that's pretty rare. Enjoy it. Has your pup ever seen snow before? He'll either like it or freak out. I have to spend the day digging out. I feel like I'm back in upstate NY!
looking forward to the pics!
I have decided I'm out of here. I'm movin to Florida. Sick of the cold and have no ties so I'm gone. Been thinking about it for awhile and my friend has been wanting to move too. So time to start planning and setting it up. I think this is what I want to do.
Yeah... I need the sun on my skin to be happy. This is bullshit. Can't wait. I have friends in Tampa so shouldn't be too bad of a move. Enjoy your mild weather...lucky! smile
Florida is always nice...gotta love that! I was in Marco Island iin october, and I loved the 90 degree weather and the sunshile!
This snow is killing my social life! Every weekend it snows and I can't get out of the driveway. More snow on the way too. Oh well, more time on SG!
Yay! I don't have to go to work or court tomorrow. That means I can celebrate the Superbowl tonight! Go Saints! I'll need all day to recover from shoveling today.
Snowed in and tryin to stay busy. Was supposed to get plowed out tonight but it didn't happen. Hope to figure it out tomorrow. I have to report for jury duty on Mon. if court is in session. What fun!
I hear ya. I used to live in northern MD, aka- bum fuck nowhere. My drive way was 1/2 a mile long and no plow was coming anywhere close.
I only survived because my neighbor owned a construction company and had a plow and we share about 3/4 of the driveway.

So good luck getting out. I still have my share of work to do before i can go anywhere. le sigh.
Feeling down today...bah. Stuck at home with my no one to hold and no one to hold me back. Just need to get through today. Tomorrow will be better. Gonna try to get some pics up here finally.
My back muscles have been spasming all night from my workout yesterday. It takes my breath away. I just took a Flexeril. We'll see if it goes away! Owwwweeee!
Spoke to my ex tonight for the first time in a month. I still don't have any answers as to why she left but it felt good to talk to her. I just have to resist the urge to talk to her again. No contact... I just had to break the fucking rule. Anyway, I was happy and upbeat and she sounded miserable. I think...
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Thanks for the advice - I cant keep algae eaters for some reason they always die... my other fish are all fine...
Ya know that's funny. My algae eaters were never very effective either. Maybe it's just a big conspiracy to get people to buy those fish.
I 'm all moved in to my new home finally and ready to start the next chapter of my life. January was a bitch!! Looking for a tattoo artist to do my first tattoo and I think I found one. The detail in his flowers is amazing! I just need to schedule the appt. now. So, exciting!!!
why no pictures?
All I have to get online right now is my iPod touch and for some reason it's not letting me add any profile pics.
Maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. My sis told me I could use her computer so I just need to get on that. Going to get my hair done tomorrow so I'll take some new ones. New year, new hair. Supposed to get snowed in this weekend so it will be something to work on.
I need some advice. My gf moved out on me a month ago and left me for someone else with no explanation after being together for 6 years. I am now moving out of the apt.we shared and her dad is the landlord. I was planning on leaving everything that she ever gave me or reminds me of her behind as she still has more...
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Just helped my friend move out of her bfs house at the spur of the moment. It was like a 2 hr moving workout. My body is tired. There must be something in the air, lots of breakups.
sorry for your friend :/ i guess when you gotta get out, you gotta get out
"Snuff" by Slipnot dedicated to the heartbroken tonight.