just got back from Opressed Logic @ burnt ramen, good show but shit ended soo fucking early i was outta there by like 10:30. WTF? i hate early shows.
mmmmmmmmmm...half a bottle o' Jameson left biggrin i need call people too hyper too call it a night.----->skweeby
mmm Jameson....why must you tease me with talk of wiskey..
i luv super bowl party, its noon an im already half-drunk.its a good excuse ta not look the part of the alky biggrin
santa cruz party tonight and tommoro!! we got a keg of bass love !!! ahhhmm bout ta be smaaaaaashed.

looked at apartment today, like 3 were right on lake merrit in oakland, one was right down the street form temple tattoo so thats pretty bad ass. sorta pissed though , one o my friends that was sposed ta move in with me fuckin got a place...
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just got back frum 4 dayz in tahoe snowboarding. im all hurty n' stuff. arm fucked beyond oww. yupp.

other then that i had an awesum time, had a full bar at my dispose at this cabin we stayed at, and i mean FULL so i practiced my bartendin with sum nice expensive alky. friends girli got wasted and tried to right her name in...
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lucky! all the snow here melted b4 the freakin season started. it's like a tropical blast and it sucks!
i love the humping turtles. i heart turtles i have one.. he is the coolest wink
rad i love the movie little runnaway
off to gilman ta see groovie ghoulies and jason webley!, the most awsum crazy drunk bum lookin guy that plays the accordian to drinking songs with an awesum whisky n'cigerrete raspyness, its a mad fun show chex him out if he comes your way....

ooooh and party tommoro night, went to bev-mo today and im fuckin stocked. i have so much beeeeeer! biggrin biggrin ima be konked...
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you and your parties always having a good time!

Hey I am gonna try to shoot up north soon to hang out! we have to meet up some time!
last night= played edward 40-hands 3 times...head go owww.

finished x-mas shopping today, got my gram a huge chocolate penis at this porn shop in sf yesterday as a gag gift, shes a funny ol lady sort of never left that roaring 20's faze, she has a hula girl tattoo on her leg and has a cocktail in hand almost everytime i see her. i...
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edward 40 hands!!! i haven't played that in sooo long.

your room sounds pretty badass.
im a horiiible person. i got drunk at sum highschool party (im so lame) and apparently stole like the kids parents whole liqour cabinet. i woke up today with like 16 bottles of various kinds of booze and a headache. Good stuff too, bushmills, kettle1, baileys, tanqueray, redrum, bacardi, meyers, makers mark, sum triple sec, midori , kaluha, and a FULL 5th of grey goose!...
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you ,.....are totally my hero right now man.
HAHAHAHAHA! IT'S GUNTHER! That' guy and song are just ridiculous.
somthin about carbombs with friends, just always makes for good times... ha haaa, my friend brought his new girl over and shes a stripper weve all seen at roaring 20's and deja vu before, he was so proud...sailor jerry, galiano, and coke night cap, cheers!
haha nice norcal. I used to go there every month....and...play dance dance revolution at la vals and hang out at Le Chateu.

mmm irish car bombs are great.

But for dessert my friend it's all about guinness icecream floats!
i got poison oak alll up my right side...fucking shrooms. never trip in a wooded area that has poison oak near by, i even got it in my arm pit(???!!!) dont know how but, damn, this fucking sucks. a friend brought me a shite-load of pot to take my mind off it but nope, doesnt seem to be helping...itchy, itchy ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

...oh and my dog...
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SOCIAL FUCKIN DISTORTION!! just got back from show, ooooh soo good. lil disappointed in tiger army doh, seen em like 10 times before an they were sortsa half ass tonight...still good though, bacardi an rockstar dont mix weell, like cough syrup..but the drunknees, ohhhh it was yummy.

oooooh an my fucking nipp ring got fucking torn, not all the way out but that hurt like...
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drunkkkkkkkyyyyy biggrin biggrin biggrin i luv havin 4 bartender friends.. so many chick drinks tonight i NEVER drink cosmosbut they kept feedin ems to me so fawk it, and those slippery nipple shots too ahhh, but i made up for those with a buncha shots of shittzy ass rot gut whiskey dont even know the name buts made in san jose caLIfornia puke puke very grossness. i met cool chicky...
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