still no pics... my laptop it turns out is a piece of crap

I just really wanted to say that all of the women in Spain are HOT... Seriously there are so many sexy women everywhere.

I definitely have no chance with any of them.

The guys however won't stop hitting on me. It's SUPER creepy.

that's all for now. gonna eat and go back...
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All the girls in spain are hot but the ones in basque country
I miss Spain....my homeland! I haven't been there since 06! Hope you have a great one!
Spain is AWESOME.

I've been trying to upload pics but it's not working...

My school is in a restored medevil castle.

The food is amazing. the people are soo nice.

I never want to leave.

Pictures coming soon!
It's soo close now I can taste it! I'm starting to get nervous. I hate airports and I have a feeling that the getting there part is gonna be the worst. I got my tickets super cheep which means that I have long layovers. Which honestly I prefer to having to run after different flights.

I'm kinda back and forth on one silly little thing....
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There is a difference between customs and airport security. Customs will only search you if they feel you're trying to bring in contraband (among other things). They're concerned about what you do in the country you're entering. Airport security is the one interested in the bombs. They're concerned about what you bring onto the airplane.

Carry ons are usually checked pretty closely; just because there are so many things not allowed in the cabin, and it's easy to see something that might be one of those things.

Your checked luggage will still be scanned, but they don't have to worry about as many things so it's less likely they'll see something that requires them to check. Though in some US airports I've had TSA agents go through my checked bags with me before putting them into the hold.

If you don't want anyone looking through your bags, make sure you're only bringing what you're allowed to bring and be sure to follow instructions (like taking your laptop and your liquids out of your bag during carry on scanning.) The guys scanning don't want to check through your stuff, they'd rather just move onto the next person, so if you're a text book packer and don't give them reason to look inside, they probably want.

And yeah, they do see a lot of dildos from what I understand.

I'd probably just buy one there if I was really concerned?

I don't fly in the US often, so some of my info could be outdated.
Had an awesome night last night. An old friend from high school just got back from Germany and we went out to the local bars. I got recognized from modeling and was instantly welcomed into a group of pple at the pool table.

I always find it really funny when I run into pple I don't know and am greeted with something allong the lines...
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that is an amazing idea!! well done smile
Thanks on Vladi's set. And that's really exciting you're going to Spain. I'd love to live there for a year and really learn the language. Went to Madrid once. The most beautiful women I'd ever seen lived there.
Thanks, dear! Nice photo of you too and love the art!
you are welcome? haha!
I really hope my house empties out soon... I HATE having to kick people out!

So... I know I've got a lot of changes to make it my life but I think I'll wait to think about those because...

I leave in 18 days. I'm starting to get super annoyed with the University in Toledo because they haven't told me anything about the family I'll be staying with! I have such a strong urge to find out whatever I...
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I think your concern and effort is enough to take you off the ugly american list. Someone willing to host an american student isn't likely to judge too harshly.
ok... so I'm a horrible person. I'm a cheater. This wasn't the first time I've cheated but it was the first time I've cheated on my current b/f. I thought this relationship was different. I thought I was different.

To explain:
About 5 years ago i was dating a beautiful boy who was my high school sweetheart. I was head over heels for him to...
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sounds like you, or your body is telling you something. That maybe your not interested in this guy anymore. This had happened to me once before, I was the other guy. I started messing around with this girl, and she had to break up with her boyfriend as to not feel guilty. But in her case she started fighting long before i came around about nothing, this guy would never fight with her even if she was screaming at him. But her messing with me was the last straw and i guess gave her a solid excuse to break up with him.

I don't know if your looking for advice but i think you already know what you want to do, I only ask that you think about if you want to be with this new/ old guy or if he is just the reason why you will break up with your current boyfriend if that's what you decide to do. Because that all that i turned out to be was a reason, or excuse and thats all i ended up being.
Doesn't sound like you're at the right time in your life for a relationship. Let your current boyfriend find someone who is.
I don't think I have the will power to stop myself...

My libido is too strong and my judgment is clouded.

I'm going to Spain! Toledo to be exact... for 5 weeks.

It's a short little stay but I'm super excited! I'm taking 2 spanish classes and i'll be living with a Spanish family. I don't know if I'd have the ovaries for it if it were a whole semester. I want more than anything to become a lot more fluent while i'm there and hey,...
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5 weeks is a short little stay? It will be a good experience for you.

It takes me far less than two years to get the itch, crushing on new girls all the time... but I just make sure I don't put myself into situations where it becomes an issue. New pussy is great, but it's also not worth throwing away something I've taken a long time to build. Healthy fantasy will have to do.

Open relationships seem like a powder keg to me, and I generally find that out of those people in them, one person is a lot happier with it than the other. That said, I've known some people who make it work very well.
You are very talented!
awesome! you better post a pic of that skull, i want to see that!