What's better than finally getting a Wii?

Getting two.
Okay, don't get me wrong... I like the site and all. I've been here for a long time, and I'm probably not going anywhere.

But is it just me, or do these site redesigns only seem to make things harder to find and infinitely slower to load? If there's a founding principle to the internet, it has to be that a website should provide the...
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i dont like the site redesign either frown
Kurt Vonnegut died this week.

Go read Hocus Pocus or Cat's Cradle or Slaughterhouse-5 or preferably all of them and more.

Words fail.

I finally "get" where that profile photo thing of yours is from! I started watching Princess Bride yesterday...AHA! I'm watching the rest of it today..so far..so awesome! Hope all is well on your end.
Surreal experience of the week.

My phone rings at the office yesterday, and it's the guitar player for A Flock of Seagulls letting me know they're in town (well, two towns over, but that's splitting hairs in Southern Ontario) and asks if I wanna come out.

I'm a GIANT new wave freak so of COURSE I wanna go... but unfortunately I had to give a...
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Thank you thank you thank you!
The waiting this week is going to suuuuuuuuck.

I almost bought a new guitar today (an Ibanez Iceman, but the new ones just don't feel like the old ones), but I probably don't really need it. I did buy an instructional DVD by Paul Gilbert, which makes me feel kind of dirty, but I've also heard it's really, really good, so I wanted to...
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i want to do bad things to you..

That is all...

I am done..

Paul Gilbert..tee hee.

Everyone should buy new guitars.
Am I too tired to go out, or too hungry to stay in?

All I know for sure is that I'm too dumb to buy groceries.

Man, there's a shit ton of comics I should've read that I still haven't: the original Crisis on Infinite Earths, All of Preacher (I'm only one book shy though!), all of Fables, etc. I can totally understand having gaping holes in your reading history.

And to answer your second question: Yes. I think you are wink
When my office pool wins the $18 million super 7 tonight, I will be like those middle eastern sultans who replace their cars every time they run out of gas. Each time a string breaks, I will buy a new guitar. Hell, every time my guitar goes out of tune I will buy a new one!
Yes, I've been remiss. And impecunious since that little sojourn through Soho that was the NYC trip of December. But mostly just chronically misanthropic. What say to a pint this Friday eve? There's a fine brewpub in my neighbourhood, or I can venture out to yours (wherever that is). You pick!

It's been over 3 years since I left you that testimonial over there. That's sort of frightening.
The first phase of the move went well, although I still don't have internet at the new apartment, so I'll be scarce for at least another week. I hope everybody's doing well.

I also hope that everybody who was complaining about the mild winter we were enjoying up until about two weeks ago spends eternity shoveling driveways in hell.

I want my nice weather back. frown

It's what's important in life.
OOHH congrats!! my move is almost completely over! i am sooo excited about it..

Hope all is well...
I survived my first NAMM show, which was pretty cool. I actually can't wait to go back, both for another year of NAMM (where hopefully somebody else will be "the new guy" who gets put on "man the booth" detail), and to go back to California, which I absolutely loved despite getting only a four day taste of it, that consisted primarily of the stretch...
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Holy crap! A bunch of people from my company were there representin' (not ME... hmmph). I was wicked jealous while they were gone.
Apartment hunting continues. The damned things are being snatched up in the 24 hour windows between when I book a viewing and when I'm supposed to show up for it. I'm really lucky that my amazing friends are still letting me occupy their spare bedroom while I work and rock craigslist, and I absolutely love being able to hang out with them so much. There's...
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Apartment hunting has always been the Bain of Existance for me! Hopefully with some luck you will find something you love! My main goal in 2007 is to be in the process of owning! I really hope it works out that way!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for both me and you!

Lots of hugs and kiss! kiss ... Things will be better before you know it!
The only album I bought in 2006 that was from 2006 was that I'm From Barcelona one.
I hope everybody had a great holiday season, and that a good time was had by all ringing in the new year. I don't quite have the energy to do a proper reflection on the past twelve months, but perhaps I'll be so inspired another time.

2006 was a very difficult year for me, and I'm glad to see it end.

I'm hoping that this...
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i will pay you for your patent out of my winnings from the sun.
Hey! Happy New Year! I'm back on sg.. Sort of.
For a relatively eventful time in my life, I sure don't have a lot to say at the moment.

When I recently bought my first Mac, I was expecting - well, not the transformative, life-changing event that Apple's marketing department seems to promise from your first caress of the power button - but at least enough substance to write a good piece on adjusting to...
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Hannumas does roll off the tongue, but I would be more likely to use it in reference to people-flavored hummus... Hannibal Hummus... Hannumas. You see?
Well thank you.