Wha....I had a great time last night. It's 4:20 p.m.and I'm only just barely recovering from the hangover, and I seem to have mysteriously injured my right knee last night. The sign of a truly excellent evening.

My friend Jeremy, who owns Bull Run Brewing, had his inaugural beer bash last night. He had 3 kegs of his beers: an ESB (which was friggin amazing)...
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Cool to brews. I was feelin all tired (maybe in anticipation of the early work today), so just watched some Kids in the Hall DVDs and turned in at 10 pm.
John Matylonek was my instructor. His website is www.oregonhanggliding.com
Beginner classes are primarily on the dune at Cape Kiwanda, just North of Pacific City. I think John has also I added a tow operation for more advanced students in Corvallis.

It's the coolest sport in the world, but you do end up doing a fair amount of driving.
Possible love interest? I don't know.

I'm a little off balance from my last horrible misunderstanding of human behavior. I keep trying to remind myself that he was broken but that doesn't help. I misread him so cosmically that I'm terribly unsure of myself.

Anyway I'm seeing him again this weekend. I know what I ultimately want. It just doesn't really fit with what I...
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Oh wow, jealousy of possible love interests! ...but bummer if it doesn't fit in with your nowadays plans.
You're very welcome, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I am, however, leaving the site, so I'm afraid I won't be around much longer to enjoy any contributions you may give to the group.

And yes, friggin' Bubba Ho Tep! biggrin
Ya gotta put spoilers over those occurrences!

I have to hand the movie kudos for being not what I expected, but too much oddball-CGI-snake-violence for me to really endorse repeat-viewings... it is something to see once, though!

good sox

I think shoe envy is what I'm feeling at the moment.
glad ur getting out. Where ya been I miss talking to you
Ahh, duh on me; there is your doggie right in the first pic!
So after mom hung up on me yesterday she called back, right? Left me this message about how she was sorry, she new she was having problems and could I please be patient with her. That was nice. But I guess that wasn't enough so she e-mailed, too.

She called a couple of times tonight also. She went to her dr visit and apparently had...
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Eventually I figured out the butt shots. As near as I can tell, panties are considered more erotic than the bare butt in Japanese culture. Putting underwear on her would have made it soft porn.

Depending on weather conditions, there are some good flying sites near Tillamook, both on the coast and in some inland hills. There is a very reliable site outside of Morton, Washington (about a 2 hour drive). An awesome site outside of Medford, and some good flying at Pine Mountain in bend. However you slice it you are in for some driving. What are your favorite sports/activities?

Nathan Fillion. Ha! He could deliver "Whore" the way Samuel Jackson delivers "Motherfucker!"
I actually got the name "Hypnogogic" from my favorite Kitchens Of Distinction song of the same name.
Trying to decompress from my last conversation with my mom.

I just can't keep my big mouth shut. Someone says something that I disagree with, I can't just be quiet. I can't just let it blow over and move on to another subject. I have to say something. I consider it a strength, but it's really a sickness. I am constantly hurting peoples feelings.

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Instead calling it "Friday the 13th" they could call it "Guy with a knife gets revenge on oversexed camp counsleors"

Well, actually I kind of like that.....
Let's go see it, mang. I'm mad for it. Lesse, I'd be free.... Thurs or Friday nite, I assume. Or that Sunday.

I go through periods where I "feel" I have a lot to say, adn then periods like now... I do hear too much about The International War on Tear on Fox radio at work (not my choice), and generally dumb and angry radio on the other stations, too.

I see what you're saying above there. yeah, I can analyze someone's physical problems all day to their face, but mental problems are a looottttt stickier. There's no comparison. I know someone who I think has a particular mental condition and.... I just feel like it'd freak the other person out, to tell them to their face, "I think you have XYZ Disease," so I don't dare broach the subject, even though I think it'd REALLY help the person.
I hadn't thought much about painting walls, being in apartments, but I guess white is pretty dull when examined, especially old, faded white. Quentin Crisp had a bit about paintings, something like- "When people ask me 'What do you have against art?' I say 'Well, what do you have against walls?'" He was kinda an ascetic; didn't go for paintings (though he posed for art) or music. He called music "the most amount of noise with the least amount of information." I guess my response to that is information can be intangible or irrelevant.

re: last Journal- I had a cigar to smoke last night, actually, but couldn't. Nonsmoking bar. Funny, cuz I always prefer nonsmoking bars. I hate cigarettes... but the Beerfest has me wanting the occasional, non-inhaled, sweet-ass Dominican stoge.
I'll say a few prayers for your carpet now.
Ugh. Distressing dreams about being "me" last night.

I was in a movie theatre w/my mom and dad, maybe some aunts and uncles and my grandpa (dad's dad...I've never really like him you know). The theatre was filled with rows of metal chairs instead of comfy seats. We were in the back so could see everything. I was talking to my dad, I don't remember...
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Damn, I hope that's me at 80!
Damn, she's taken my clothes again.
I've been having dreams lately of "epic buildings." Last night I was in a museum. I had donated my fish to the museum and was enjoying watching the guppies swim so fast in the water you could barely see them. There was one guppy that would leap 5 inches out of the water in joy. But there were some ugly fish in the tank, too....
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And my friends, whom I love dearly, found a - get this - silk bathrobe covered with superman symbols. I should wear it more often.

The bald head was an attention-getter, there is no doubt about it. But it was terrible to keep shaved, and head stubble is hugely annoying. So I decided to let the hair grow back and draw attention through my personality and fashion sense. Well, personality. Or just plain luck, as it were.
Okay, I got the feeling that your weird dreams were kind of freaking you out. Your explanation clears that up, so I'll just enjoy your craziness the way I enjoy my own. I do envy you. Every time I have tried to record my dreams I forget too much of them to make sense even to me.

And your hairstyle has nothing to do with it.
OMG Snakes on a Plane is coming out on Friday. Who's coming w/me to see it?