From mrwaverly
Hello, there. I hope you are feeling a bit better than the other day. I did think of you a lot. I'm afraid I don't pray - I found out just how futile an exercise that is long ago. Not that I've ever had much of a system of belief. I am sure that whatever July holds can be fixed. Please don't torture yourself about what might be. I always live day to day. The future is there, we will stumble out of bed into it, whether we like it or not. Go out, have a laugh with friends - you do seem to be a strong and well-focussed person: the idea for not only doing a banquet, but making it look wonderful for hundreds of guests, is terrifying to me, yet you do it, and love doing so, with great pride - your pictures show all. I do like your posts and pictures, and talking to you like this. There are hundreds of others here, who will agree. This is hard work for me - I have always been a bit terse, mercurial, call it what you will. My brother called my mien 'A bit Spock'. Not in the manner of Dr. Sheldon Cooper from 'The Big Bang Theory', as I am fully aware of 99% of social mores, but because I rarely spoke unless necessary. So here's the crunch, and I'm going to say what hundreds out in SG land have possibly thought: Having just found you, I really don't want to lose you to some stupid illness. An odd thing for a stranger to say, yes, but I like doing Random Acts of Kindness. And that's today's. Letting you know that you are not alone. I have articulated the thought that I am damn sure any of your followers who read your blog a few days back, are thinking. xxxxx