Just got off a 14 hour shift slinging drinks to the masses. My body is completely and utterly zombified, but I have been given a dose of energy in coming home to see my set go live. I am siked to see the awesome comments and truly grateful for the admiration and support. You all ROCK! Sloppy smoochies to LizardAM for her kickass photography and... Read More
Holy crap, it's October! I can't believe we are in October already, but I am glad for it. This is my favorite time of year. I love Halloween above all else and have already been planning my outfit. I am obsessed. I have also been avoiding the Halloween aisle of anywhere because I am bound to spend money I don't have of pumpkin smelly candles,... Read More
Seems like summer has reached its end. The kids go back to class and the empty parking spots become harder to find in the city. I am still grasping on to the last days though. The weather is gorgeous and I am getting away to the beach house that my boy has whenever I can. Stealing sunsets with my camera, drinking... Read More
Anticipation is a turn on and a pain in the tush. My 1st set has been approved for member review as of yesterday and now I sit patiently waiting for it to show up on the new hopeful albums. Eeek! I am so excited. I can't wait to see it show up. "Dutch" is the name of the set. Perfect.