So, work's been crazy busy... To re-cap on what seems like it's been utterly ages:

I got a promotion with work, and moved to the west mids as a result.
Started off really well, made bucket loads of savings for the company and expnaded the department slightly.
I then get asked to take more work on, and told that I have to reduce my staff...
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i seem to swap between no internet and periods of massive daily use.
Still, at least when i do come back to online, i have this place to come to.
It was pretty fun, although I would have preferred it if I could have dragged my bf along.
SG, it's been a while...

I mean, a LONG while!

I do have excuses, but I'll save that for my next post, which hopefully, will be very soon! smile

It's been a while... A long while...

Some of you will know that I had a big promotion a while ago - well that's meant me working an awful lot of hours to try and keep up with everything. To some extent that's been fairly accurrate, but my all new department has been struggling, though things are starting to get better now that my team...
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I did a 10 mile run last year for a similar charity, and after that I thought "why not go completely insane and try to do something HUGE?". And then I followed through with the insanity! biggrin

Good luck with your course results!
Hello! is about to leave my new set, hope you like how it turned over.

a kiss.

Nicolle <3

Really can't get this out of my head right now... Awesome video too!

On another note, things are going well in my new place - the new job is stressful as you like, but then what can you expect when you're doing three people's jobs! eeek That should get better next week though with my first employee starting...

How's everyone in SG land? smile

Sooooooo... What's been going on in my life and why have I been away for so damn long?

Well, I'd love to be able to say that there's not been a whole lot of exciting stuff going on in my life and I guess, depending on which perspective you take, that would be true.

Work has been pretty manic. As some of you will know,...
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thanks man...i'm scrambling for more subjects to shoot, but its hard to find anyone good enough...a lot of kids think they are, but they got like one or two tricks, not enough really!!
and yes, my boss is one of those guys who is never wrong and nothing is ever his fuck up y'know??
nice to see you back btw smile
wahey! new job! good work, sir! played the game! west midlands though..... tongue

'attempting to get ONE of my cars repaired....' - you fucking bastard!!! more than one car?!?! i hate you! haha
Oh my god! Time is getting away from me so much!

Anyway, I have this week off, so maybe expect an update or two! smile
I uploaded one and I have one recorded and edited and ready but I need to go back home to upload it since the internet i'm stealing at uni is really shit smile
also have a peanut butter bacon blondies video in the making
Yeah, but its all good I'm just thinking of the positives
It's been a while since I last blogged - I'm pretty shocked that a month has gone by so quickly!

I'd love to say that I've not been up to much, rather than saying I've been doing lots but most of it is going to sound proper boring!

So this month I have:
Been revising and have taken two exams (I'm not confident that I've...
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she's feeling better now, back to her normal cuddly self. good news for your pay rise!
Well, this blog must start with an apology. I have made a serious, school boy error. I neglected to check how much charge my camera's battery had and it went dead as I was playing with the settings, so there are no shots of the day time antics. But I digress...


So, one of my good friends is getting married in just a...
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I know, so pricey but I've been looking for something similar everywhere!
i just read on the BBC website that there are a group of 50+ blokes in Enfield ready to defend their community from the rioters...!!
Thanks. I always think my accent is sort of lame compared to other Scots, because of being brought up in the north-east of Scotland, moving to Wales and then up to the central belt. It's a bit confused as far as Scottish accents go! smile x
Hey thanks for the comments.
I agree, you need to be in a situation where it matters more to the other guy(s) where you go than it does to you before you can really start exploiting the situation.
That or a lot of bluffing and some serious cahones. wink
I think I got a good deal in the end- hope it works out well for you.
Haha! My blog fails hard! biggrin
Yes , but the effort was there wink