Got the new keyboard, installed it on the i-book and I am back...have delete, f11 and 12, and even 1 back....life is good, at least my typing life.....
Well, it looks like car talk was shot down- I re-submitted it before I checked my main e-mail...thought I had screwed up the submission or something...maybe the re-submission will get somewhere, though I doubt it...
I thought it was a good idea- Ah well...at least for now anyone needing advice can just e-mail me or comment on my blog, and I will get back to...
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this group usually meets the need you requested.
ha. I've always hated bridges. This just makes it worse!
Another long day at work- to show how tired I was from yesterday I slept right through the alarm this morning...and another long hot day...is it ever going to rain here? frown
Did at least hear something from two of my favorite people smile
That at least cheers me up a bit...
Can't hardly believe the bridge thing in Minnesota...I have a lot of family and friends...
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I did a rain dance last night...lol. Maybe it will rain there for you soon! smile
yeah i heard about that bridge! I can't believe it.... how awful. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I will send rainy thoughts your way in hopes that you will finally get some rain.
At least it's friday!.... or do you usually have to work weekends too? I hope not. frown
Silly stupid question for all- does my profile read online all the time, only when I am active, or read online all night when I don't get the computer shut off? It's kind of like the refrigerator light- how do really know it turns off...
let me know...
It only reads online when you are active. Currently it says you're offline.
well thank you sweety. your opinion means a lot to me. i am so so sad it was rejected. frown maybe i'll get lucky and it'll get chosen for SCS.
Well- two posts in one day....went outside, well, just to be outside- a guy I didn't immediately recognize was lighting off fireworks in my back yard- started off with "What the Fuck are you doing"...turned out to be a neighbor from across the street...had a lot of fun lighting off illegal fireworks for about an hour smile
I guess even though I worked, it turned out...
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glad you had a good 4th! biggrin
Well- went in on the fourth to work (closed) to put in a motor in relative peace and quiet- amazed by the sheer number of people who tried the door on the closed, unlit, open sign off and then walked around into the shop through my open bay doors (had to have them open to work- too damn hot otherwise)...and then ask the question "are...
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Hi anyone who looks...
Survived the weekend...how is it that vacations are so tiring- will have up sometime from the weekend- after I get the camera to computer to side thing worked out....
Just a bitching blog-caught the edge of a thing on TV on who made the most in the younger category in tv/movies olson twins at 20 million...the harry potter actor was at like 14 mill- etc...just don't see how they are worth that much...I'd like to see any of them fix a car, or do anything productive....at least lindsay lohan only made a measly 6...
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Trying to post some pictures- new camera is great, but takes pictures that are too big- just working through that- trying to find an easy solution there- trying for a new group- may be getting beyond where I should be- but -why not....redhead lovers group...to get more out of hand later- which I hope it will...
I think this is a great idea! Maybe I'm a little biased? tongue
Welllll.....it was worth a shot- but REJECTED as either inappropriate for the site, or the need is being filled by another group- well, I liked the idea....maybe I'll come up with an idea that will go through some time!!
Well- after a long week of work- had a long drive to Omaha and back-thinking I have either a pinched nerve in my back or the seats in this car and I really don't get along- the last thirty miles back were a painful hell- felt like someone was stabbing a needle into my left kidney...I am rid of my oldest kid for 2 weeks-...
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