I getta go to the live show tomorrow night. I have been looking forward to this for weeks now...I can't wait...only thing that sucks is I have to work that day and the next morning...blahhhh also my date kinda backed out on me yesterday soooo ummmm...I have an extra ticket if anyone needs it. I'm sure I'll probably find someone at the door to give...
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Crazy weather makes people crazy....fall is on the way...I can smell it in the air in the morning...but it still gets hotter than hell during the day and just screws up everything. Nothing like looking out the window and thinking you've gone blind first thing in the morning because the fog is so thick. It'll be raining again soon and people will be burning everything...
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Thanks for the lovely comment on my set! X
Thank you.. blush kiss
I'm thinkin I'm going to have to learn Italian soon...so many of the new sets are from Italian women and they are all so beautiful. My family is from Sicily and it's a wonder that I can't speak the language. I kinda feel stupid for that in a way. I guess it's no big shocker really that I'm soooo atracted to Italian women though....
I will always put my kids happyness ahead of my own. Here lays my conflict.
thanks for checking out my set. I really appreciate it!!!

Growing up? How do you know when you have hit that I'm a grown up stage in your life? Another one of those random thoughts...so I was thinking about it the other day...What makes me a grown up all of a sudden? I guess I have responsibilities and all that kinda crap...you know like bills and stuff but I still like to play and have...
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WOW I'm fuckin bored out of my mind...on call all weekend and there is nothing to do but wait for the pager to goo off. fAAAAhhhh...nothing good on TV and I'm out of stuff to read....I want a beer...can't though...gotta wait till I'm off duty...is 5:30am too early to start drinking?
Thanks for the lovely comment about my ass! wink
Haha sorry you're bored...thanks for the comment, its helpful...and yes they never seem to pop up, but a girl can dream right?? It's awesome that you're an EMT.
I just bought my tickets for the live show in Seattle....I can't fuckin wait..I'm so in love with Reagan it's not even funny..so Anyway...I'm gonna get a room down there for the night so I don't haveta make that drive back up here after....anyone wanna go with? love
Taking advantage of the "nice guy"

So as usual during my day...random thoughts cross my mind and I got to thinking about how people take advantage of the "nice guy". I think everyone does it at some point or another...I have, and lord knows it happens to me on a regular basis. I guess there are some people out there who are predisposed to giving...
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Home again home again...this time for good...it's all over....boy I need a break whatever
Ya gotta love this place...just came home for the evening and checked out the new sets...granted not all of them are the best but there is some real creative quality here. Hope all is well....
Back to camp for me....Yipppppy...okay so I'll be back in a week or so...gotta luv it
I haven't been online in a while. I work at a summer camp for kids every year and that has been keeping me pretty busy the past week. We are between groups at the moment so I get a night off to relax and do a bit of laundry before I have to get back to it. I wears me out but I love it...
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that sounds lovely...I have been meaning to working or volunteer at a kids camp.