mmmmmmm....6 cases of beer, 4 days....mmm
i think i drank a little this weekend. and it was good. i needed that i think. cause this week is already pissing me off well its really not the week but its the people i work with i guess that is getting to me. well its not even that its just a few select people that is...
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mmmmmmm....6 cases of beer, 4 days....mmm
i think i drank a little this weekend. and it was good. i needed that i think. cause this week is already pissing me off well its really not the week but its the people i work with i guess that is getting to me. well its not even that its just a few select people that is...
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we got off at noon on wednesday and have thursday and friday off. bout time we have a lot of time off. i slept for 13 hours last night and it felt good this morning. well its thankgiving and the drinking begins. im going out to eat with a few buddies of mine and drink, but im starting early today. tonight im going to the...
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mmmmmmm.....cheap beer is good beer....well not as good as free beer...but still! biggrin
so today we get fucked with at work! theres a moral booster for you. wow the people i work for man god damn. fuck. so we had field day last night, and "suposably" the common areas of our barracks wasnt clean enough when they ""SUPPOSABLY"" when through sometime this afternoon, well the shit dont stay clean for ever and of course it was the our...
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wow i just realized something while overhere in japan. frown alright our movie theater on base is way far behind on the times but its always been like that, for example tomarrow on sunday they are playing 'the skeleton key' well that movie came out on video last week. but our movie theater is like that which sucks. cause they sold the movie and its out...
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well last night was the ball and i took a bunch of pics and transfered them onto my computer and loaded a few onto here so check them out.

but wow what happened last night, only the pics can tell. alot of drinking. and it was nice cause i slept good last night. bout 12 hours. in a few hours im getting more color added...
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Looks like you had yourself a pretty interesting time at this birthday ball of yours.

Um, I'm not getting any comic book characters specifically. I want some one to draw a comic up from scratch to get tattoo'ed on me. I have plenty of good tattoo artists to do the job....I just need the art work and I'm way too lazy to draw it myself at the moment.

Hope you had fun getting inked and know that I am sickly jealous of you now lol.
WEll hello friend smile . So you are in the marines, very kool. at least you can still enjoy SG while traveling around the world. I was checking out some of your pics very nice. I like the tats, HOTTT biggrin !!! Well hit me back when u get the chance
well today is our ball tonight im planning on gettin hammered tonight...puke we had a little battery run this morning not too bad. afterwards we got off which was bout 0800 and we just have to be at the ball between 1800-1900 aint too bad then we have fri sat sun off yeah another long weekend again lots of drinking and tattoos. smile
Did I hear tattoos?