It's been awhile I know
I've been listening to music and painting all morning
I'll put a pic of the painting on here when it's done
it took me over an hour to paint one arm but I'm not complaining it's nice to be creative once in awhile seeing as my job is anything but creative
Hope everyone is good
I hate money. I'm so stressed about money at the moment. Fuck money!
I'm making a baby blanket for Jess, we're having her baby shower this weekend. That's so freaky she's not even 19 yet. I vow not to have a baby cause believe me every teenage girl I know who stayed in Napier after high school has had one. Ewww haha.
Steven might photograph...
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I love summer days like this. No one home, loud music, bikini, blow up paddling pool in the back yard haha nothing short of bliss. I thought I better come in and get some food and stop myself from getting too much of a tan out there in the sun. I wanna keep that goth complection of mine. Mmmm I could do this everday. I...
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dam it will be snowing here by tuesday a snow storm what is called a noreaster. comming up the atlantic coast


mad ARRR!!! love
Hey hey, sorry i havent commented you much or said hi to you. i been busy with school and the tedious monotonies of life here in chch. I've been back at school for three weeks now and already have assignments piling up. One due on friday to advertise chch for young people, then a 24 page magazine and i'm sure it won't stop there. I wish I could lounge round and read more, i haven't even started my new library book. frown
Man I'm a little hung over aye. It was Steves birthday last night and I got kinda drunk but not in that fuck yeah happy birthday kinda way more in the sick grumpy jelaous bitch kinda way haha. Some chicks showed up who I hadn't met before and they were loud and really drunk and 17. High school girls *shudders*. I never did like them...
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Damn I feel so fuckin' good today I felt like sharing it with ya come on and smile with me sweetie biggrin kiss
Hey, I get out! It just so happens that internet is what I do when it gets dark. wink
Hey Kiddies
I'm naughty I took a day off work today but Hilary fainted and was twitching and everyone freaked out and my mum wants me too keep an eye on her. She's been staying out too late and drinking too much haha bloody sixteen year olds, she snuck out the last 4 nights in a row, no wonder she fainted. But shhhh don't tell...
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I took a day off last week from work,sometimes we just need a break. I would love to see you make it as a Suicide Girl good luck with that. Happy birthday to Steve.Oh shit I better get ready for work talk to ya latter sweetie. kiss
vacation here biggrin get her some sleep time if u have to sit on her smile

mad ARRR!!! love
Yay I just dyed my hair black! I love having freshly dyed hair, it always looks so good.
Well its been awhile aye. I've been working so much I haven't had time to update. Plus the internets been playing up.
Hilary (my little sis) broke up wth her boyfriend Will. He cheated on her. Poor girl but we thought wwe'd get out that movie I...
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fucken boys! i mean... i'm a boy too but.. fucken boys! hehe! watch garden state too.. aaaand you guys should bake something .. like a cake, with candles and everything! yay! woo hoo!! celebrate like.. "Happy bake day"! have fun darlin'! wink
aww.. you have the cutest hair! ok ok byebyebybebyebye! wink kiss
Todays a bit of a miserable one. My mood has been terrible lately. Working too much and not sleeping enough has made me a cranky bitch.
My sister Frances left today, she's flying out of the Napier airport back to Christchurch as I write this very sentence. I'm kinda sad and happy about her leaving. It's nice to have her around some of the time...
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Yeah, I both love and hate my family. Well, more love. Luckily for me I see them rarely enough for them not to get on my nerves.

Have a good New Year!
Happy New Year gorgeous hope 2006 is good to you. kiss
Man I haven't updated in ages, so much has been happening. My life has taken a bit of a turn in the last week,
I have finally come to a conclusion about next year. I'm staying in Napier, living with my mum eeek but only till August and then me and Steve are jumping on a plane and ggoing to Europe! I'm so excited! biggrin I'm glad...
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Hey! WOw, Napier!! That be where I was born!!! AHem. I miss Napier. Such a nice region. But lacking people I guess. Not that small populations are a bad thingsmile

OH, and by the way, ThAnKs for saying Hi! eeek

Stop by again sometime!
kthx bye.
hey. just got back from my adventure in pelorus. what up.

you look olike you fit in here nicely...

Last night was fun. I drank way too much though. People just seemed to keep feeding me drinks to shut me up but the more I drank the louder I was. It was terrible haha I felt terrible. Frances came out though and that was fun. My friends are so fascinated by her, understansably because she has a degree in gender studies, is a vegan...
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Having done a smidgen of gender studies in my course, I have to say that I find it mind-boggling. Fascinating, indeed, but it just boggles my mind. shocked
Hey sweetie I just stoped by to say hello. I got all tore up friday and saturday one of those two day anything goes you know drink,smoke,snort,women ect. . I don't party alot anymore but when I do it's all out. Now it's time to recover and get ready to turn back into responsible guy so I can slave at my job and pay bills.Such is life have a good one gorgeous talk to ya later. kiss
Oooo just watched the top 10 britney spears videos. I pretend to hate pop music but god damn sometimes I just can't resist a good ass shaking number from the paroxide blonde barbies of popular music. smile
Had a good night last night went over to Stevens and oh my god I didn't kiss him, yay me! Haha Richard was round aswell and we just had...
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mad ARRR!!! love missed it frown
woa, I was just looking through old photos from when I was a kid, from when my mum was a kid and at the back of an album was an small envelope with a folded piece of paper inside. It was my uncles suicide note. I was pretty young when he died and didn't really understand. That's so fucked up reading it though. I feel...
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i need to get some of my family kiss

mad ARRR!!! love